Chapter 4

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Finally,it felt like a huge relief to at least we have found our town,the fact that we never stepped our foots on the Irish ground before.

Dad turned the keys and the motor of the car was in full effect.
We drove into the town and there where some small houses close to each other.
"These houses are very small and fascinating" I suddenly said to fill the silence.
"Mm" dad said mumbling while trying to figure out which way we are going.
I really wonder what our house will look like.

"Dang it,I can't see the bloody signs"dad said angrily while trying to see through the dark.
Doris handed over the flash light to dad and we drove to the corner into a road with deep woods on the sides.
"This looks beautiful" I quickly mumbled whilst resting my hand against the window and my fingers covering my mouth.
Doris checked the papers about the house and said:
"Bleekwood -31"
"It should be over here" Dad said while pointing on a huge drive way that was light up by medium wooden lights all along the way up.

"Oh my goodness" I said while my mouth stood wide open.
Me,Doris and Dad walked out of the car and just stared at what looks like a big wooden house.
It honestly looked like a house a famous person would own.
It had a hazel dark brown wooden walls and the ceiling dark brown,big windows here and there,a huge wooden door that leads to a magnificent hallway,a huge welcoming living room with a stoned fireplace,comfy cream leather couches with blankets,a tv hanging over the fireplace on a stone wall,candles,fluffy white carpets,bookshelves that covered the walls,the kitchen was my favourite;stoned walls,a wooden/stone island with bar seats,big windows that had a view over the lake behind the woods,big old school oven with lots of counters,coffee maker and other essentials.The long hallway leads to a wooden staircase up to the second floor;when you've climbed up the stairs there is a big window with a sitting area,Doris and dads bedroom,two toilets,and finally my bedroom that honestly felt like a dream,it was quite huge,two big windows with long curtains,a wardrobe, a two seated couch,olive green furry rug,a bed that could fit honestly five people,it was wooden,loads off pillows,it literally felt all like a dream and I'm speechless.
The whole house is on a small mountain that has view over the dark deep woods and a small lake.

"W.O.W" I said still with my mouth wide open.
"I know this isn't what you expected darling compared to our old house which was nothing like this one" he said and hugged me and Doris.
"B..but dad,why such a massive house I,I mean why couldn't we just move to the small houses a few blocks away?"I said stopping on some sentences.
"We had luck,the golf community offered us this house and I mean this is what I worked for,all the stress and workdays has lead us to this amazingly insane beautiful house"Dad said with tears forming in his eyes.
Doris kissed his cheek and we took our suitcases to our rooms.
"THIS IS UNBELIEVABLE!" I shouted whith excitement running through my veins.I jumped on the bed and looked at the clock on the bedside table,02.59 am.
I took a quick cold shower and brushed my teeth,wen't to the kitchen and took a glas of water,up to my room and putted on my pyjamas.
"Unbelievable" I said to myself and I directly fell asleep.

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