Parent/Teacher meeting

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Meredith loved half days. Half days meant she had time to actually leave the school and get a real lunch. Today was the first day of parent teacher meetings this year and Meredith was getting the hell out of there before any parents showed up.

Derek had called the night before, inviting Meredith to a quick lunch at a cute café near by. Things were better between them, they communicated with each other and went a little further in their relationship. They still hadn't reach the step of sexual intimacy they both craved but they satisfied each other just enough to hold off for another few weeks.

Meredith was just returning from her wonderful lunch with her hot boyfriend. They had flirted madly, never taking their hands off each other. She walked in her door, expecting her first parent in five minutes. She gathered her notes on her first student; Samantha Shepherd.

Just as she sat down, Nancy Shepherd peaked in the door. "Hello. Please, come in." Meredith kindly greeted. Technically, this was her first meeting with one of her boyfriend's relatives. But Meredith couldn't think of Nancy as her boyfriend's sister, she had to be her student's mother. "Have a seat." Meredith instructed. "There are some behavior issues with Sam I wanted to talk about, some information might help me better understand her situation and how to help her." Meredith's concern for her student was great, all she wanted was to see her succeed in her classroom and eventually succeed in life after her classroom.

Nancy placed her purse on the floor and took a seat in the chair provided to her. She seemed to understand what Meredith was talking about and elaborated. "I got pregnant my second year of med school, Greg left me when he found out. My family was a huge support, my younger brother Derek especially. He took on the role as dad, mine passed away when I was young and Derek was the only father figure in my life... Sam's life hasn't been anything close to normal but it is what it is and I don't regret anything. I have a boyfriend now and things are getting serious so... I've asked Derek to take a few steps back so Peter can step in. So far, Sam's been great at home, my job is also very demanding so finding the right balance can be hard. My mom is a godsend, she really pulls her weight; with my sister's kids too."

Meredith gave her condolences about her father and told Nancy she would create a plan to help ease the transition for Sam.

Now that the personal stuff was out of the way, Nancy wanted to get down to business. "So, how's Samantha progressing?" Nancy crossed her legs, already finalizing her pleasant thoughts about her daughter's teacher.

Meredith updated Nancy on her daughter's progress, boasting about her heightened reading and writing skills. She was just beginning to express her surprise at Sammy's extraordinary skills in science when someone barged into her classroom.

"Hey Mer, you forgot your- oh crap." Derek had picked up Meredith's wallet from their table after she hastily left. He was going to give it back tonight, when they had another cooking lesson but remembered she needed her license to drive home.

"Derek, what are you doing here?" Nancy was surprised, to say the least, to see her younger brother barging in so casually into Meredith's classroom.

"Oh- um, I uh..." Derek looked to Meredith for some help.

Meredith was in complete shock, she had no idea what to say. Her and Nancy we're just starting to get along and Meredith had a feeling Nancy wouldn't approve of her daughter's teacher dating her younger brother.

"Would someone please tell me what's going on here?" Nancy looked between the two, sensing their demeanors, she knew she wasn't going to like it.

Meredith let out a sigh before making eye contact with Derek over Nancy's head. "We're dating." She looked over to Nancy to catch her reaction.

Nancy turned her head to Derek, deciding to put the blame on him. "Are you trying to jeopardize my daughter's education?" She snarled.

Derek walked up to Meredith's desk, placed her wallet on the surface and turned to confront Nancy. "No, not at all Nancy. All I want for Sammy is to thrive." He placed a hand on her arm to try to calm her down a little.

Meredith took Nancy's silence as an opportunity to speak, "Miss Shepherd, I promise you my relationship with Derek has in no way had an impact on my teaching or how I treat any of my students" Meredith's tone was firm and confident, a sign that she was telling the truth.

"I want to know everything about you two." Nancy said as she crossed her arms. She directed her attention towards Meredith, "she hasn't had it easier?" Nancy asked timidly.

"No," Meredith responded, "if anything, she has it harder. And in spite of that, she's still excelling beyond belief. Academically and socially, I'm amazed at her progress. I fully believe that she could succeed at an even higher level. Your daughter is smart, Miss Shepherd. She doesn't need special favors from anyone." Meredith reassured Nancy, also saying that Derek doesn't play an active role in her classroom and she doesn't think any of her students have a clue what goes on in her personal life.

Derek stepped in to explain their relationship, saying that they had only been dating a month and a half and that for now, it's just dating. They're seeing if they have a potential for a future. Derek shocked Meredith by telling Nancy he did see a future with her, that he wasn't just wasting his time. He felt something he couldn't explain, something real.

Nancy seemed to back off once hearing the emotion thick in Derek's voice. She always had a soft spot for her little brother's feelings. Nancy told the pair she wouldn't report them to Meredith's superiors and it would take time for her to accept them but she felt like she would be able to.

Nancy had asked Meredith if they were finished, Meredith handed Nancy a report card with a short verbal blurb and excused Nancy. Now, it was only Meredith and Derek in the room.

"You really feel that way?" Meredith asked.

"Everything I said is true." Derek moved in to brush his hand against her cheek.

Meredith gave a thankful smile and moved in for one of his infamous bear hugs. After a few minutes of bliss, Meredith spoke, "You should go, I have another parent coming in soon."

Derek placed a kiss on the top of her head before moving back, still in the hug. He captured her lips in a delicate but passion kiss, a kiss that said more than words ever could.

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