Chapter 8

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Captain practically flew across the room with the force that I pushed her with. Time seemed to slow as my subconscious sensed a fight coming on. Captain tensed, as if about to charge me.

I tensed as well, all the pent up negative energy rushing to my head. Every insult and dirty look I'd gotten that day ran through my thoughts, causing every cell in y body to come alive with a steady buzz. I'd been waiting for this all week. Captain was the metaphorical straw in this scenario, and I the broken camel. The only difference in this scenario: the straw ends up broken as well.

That was how it was supposed to turn out. Up until the point where Valda filled my line of sight instead.

"Whoa there, Cap. Let me direct your attention to Ms. Born's abdomen." She pointed behind her back at my stomach and creeping scars. "Do you see those abs? Or are you just blind? Let me tell you this; she didn't get those from sitting on the couch and eating potato chips. If you get into a fight with her, she will beat you within seconds. For Pete's sake, she probably knows three different ways she could kill you with her bare hands!" Valda glanced back at me, seeking my approval.

"I can think of five off the top of my head," I corrected her, relaxing in my stance a bit. Anger still roiled in my stomach, but just making quips at Cap would have lesser consequences than a fight.

"I rest my case," Valda turned back to Cap, so I couldn't see her facial expression. Though I imagine it would be a smirk of some kind. I turned back to my bag, snatching my shirt from the crevice between my textbooks.

You're not even worth it.

"What did you just say to me, whore?" Cap asked. I could sense her fury even with my back turned to her.

"I didn't say anything," I growled, spinning on my heel towards her.

"Yes. You did. You two must have heard her!" The question was aimed at Mary and Valda.

"We didn't hear anything," Valda came back hotly.

"I think that you might be going a little crazy too, Cap. Do we need to send you to the psych ward to get you checked out?"

Cap sneered, "You're so funny. I forgot to laugh."

I'd had plenty at this point. With one quick motion, I pulled my tank top over my head.

"I'm done with this crap," I sneered right back at Cap, making her flinch a bit. With that, I stuffed my things in my bag and stormed dramatically out of the locker room.

Once I got out there, I dropped my bag next to me on the floor. My feet started moving to the nearest wall before I could even tell them to move. I pounded my fists against it in some kind of animal state.

I stopped suddenly, pulling my palms away from the wall. My hands shook uncontrollably in front of my face.

"What is wrong with me?" I muttered, running my hands down my face.

I turned my back to the wall and slid down it. You need to control yourself, Lekia.

That in itself seemed hard enough to do at the moment.

The door slammed against the cement wall with a loud crash.

"That was so uncalled for!" Someone exclaimed. I looked up from my knees to see Mary and Valda enter the hallway.

"Captain really is a jerk, Lekia," Mary told me, crossing her arms across her chest. "Are you okay?"

"Fine," I breathed, pushing down on my knees to stand in front of them. "I just need to go home, I think. Or to the gym."

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