Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I walked downstairs and sat next to my older twin sister Isabella, who everyone called Bella. A boy with brown hair, abnormally pale skin and yellow eyes was talking to her, his name was Edward Cullen and he was a vampire, now before you say I'm crazy and that I belong in a mental institution, let me tell you a story, it begins with my sister being the klutz and the almost unluckest person in the world.

Last year, my sister almost got hit by a sliding vehicle but before she could become Bella the pancake, Edward used his super speedy vampire powers to stop the car then she was quickly rushed to the hospital. They soon started dating and we both met Edward's strange but cool Vampure family, who invited us to play baseball, but three vampires showed up, a friend of mine ( who is a werewolf) took me home and Bella had to be hidden because one of the vampires named James, decided to try and kill her. In order to lure her to a dance studio, James kidnapped me and bit me, but I bet was planning to kill me when he was done with Bella.

But what he didn't know was that a virus inside of me which was called X-syndrome, protected me from Vampire venom and vampire abilities, but is also slowly killing me, even now. Edward and his family saved us but Bella had also been bitten but Edward saved her by sucking the venom out like with Snake Venom, I passed out but when I woke up an Itailan Vampire named Aro had bit me again but by doing this he saved my life just like when I was first diagnosed at the age of 10.

Many moths later was our 18th birthday but that didn't end well, the Cullens lefts town for awhile and I slowly watched my sister go insane but then she started hanging out with Jacob Black, who soon became a werewolf. Bella decided to be an idiot and jump off a cliff, which caused Edward's sister Alice who can see the future to come running back to Forks. Edward thought Bella was dead and we rushed to Italy to stop him from getting himself killed.

I had a nice chat with Marcus, Aro's brother and when we got back, we got grounded, Bella put her future in a vote and, Aro and I gave each other ultimatums that we would have to deal with when I made my choice. What choice was that, Vampire or Human.

" Kira, you walking or coming with us?" Bella asked and I smiled before grabbing my backpack and walking out the door, only to be stopped, when I spotted Sam at the edge of the woods, in his wolf form.

Kira, we need to talk

I sighed, just as Edward and Bella came outside." I'll see you there" I told them before walking toward the woods. I stopped at the edge of the trees and Sam walked toward me, His black fur making him blend in with the shadows.

Are you really going to leave us, Kira

His voice made him sound threating but I was afraid because I knew Sam would never hurt me.

" I have no choice Sam, but just know I'll still be the same Kira"

You could die Kira, those vampires will end your very life and your willing to just throw away everything

Tears filled my eyes before I yelled" what life? at least I'll die fighting"

Kira, please at least your choices before you decide

Then with that he was gone, I sighed before turning and running at a vampire speed to school, I stopped when I got to my locker but jumped when Alice and Jasper suddenly appeared out of nowhere." don't do that" I laughed and they smiled. Later that day at lunch, I sat at my table nibbling on a pbj and with a bottle of water just as my arch enemy Niomi Bates appeared, a life like version of Barbie in my opinion. I looked at her with sigh." what do you want, didn't you learn your lesson from last time" I asked and she sat down across from me. I gave her a confused look and she looked at the table before saying." I'm sorry for anything I've said to you in past"

" who are you and what did you do with Niomi Bates" I asked and she gave a laugh" I just thought that, you know because of graduation I may not be able to say it, It's just that I've always been jealous of you, Kira. You have a sister while I'm an only child, your mom and dad care while I've never met my father"

" Niomi-" I tried to stop her but she continued.

" your talented with music while the only thing I have is my looks" she confessed and my eyes widened." Niomi, your actually luckier then I am, I'd give anything to be have my brown eyes back along with control of my own future"

" what do you mean?" she asked and I smiled taking her hand" You'll get to grow old, have a family but me, I'll be lucky enough to even get to live passed 25" she frowned before pulling her hand away.

" Kira, if I could take back anything I said about you, I would"

" What doesn't kill you makes you stronger" I shrugged and she laughed" friends?" she asked

" Friends" I agreed. She got up and left, leaving me alone again and sighed, shaking my head. I looked over at Bella's table, where she was sitting with Edward, Alice, Angela, Mike and Ben, to see that Alice had that far away look in her eye. I threw my lunch away before leaving the Cafeteria, I was almost to History when Jasper appeared next to me. I stopped and look of constipation crossed his face." I really wish you people would stop giving me that look" I mumbled and he laughed" Sorry Kira, but it does take some getting used to" I noticed that his Southern accent had started coming out more and more over the months, his hair had also started growing out slightly.

After school, I walked over to where Edward, Alice and Bella stood." you got to work today" Bella asked and I shook my head. when I got home, Edward and Bella went upstairs while I went up to the roof with my guitar.

Mortality( a twilight fanfiction) Book 3 of the Immunity seriesWhere stories live. Discover now