The Life Surrounding an "American Idiot"

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This is a short song-fic of Green Day's song "American Idiot". I have never done one like this but I have sort of co-authored one so I get the idea. This is probably going to be rather short and if you haven't heard the song, I strongly recommend it. This is not a deep translation of the song, just taking the words literally and putting them to the story of a fictional teenager. None of these things are like me (except that I don't care for bullies or popular kids)or relate to my life. I do not own the lyrics to the song or the song itself. ENJOY!

7:30 on a Friday morning, and I, Kelsey 'Bug' Strawn, am just know running out of the door to get to the last day of twelfth grade. I would just skip it but me and my friends planned to all go on the very last day of school so we could share the ending moments, and memories. I dash out to my used 2014 Honda civic, pull out of the driveway, and immediately turn on my tunes. To many people, I would be considered lucky, I have a nice car, I have my own house, and I don't have my parents around to get onto me, but in reality that's not the case. I had to work and pay for my own car, I have my own house because I emancipated myself when I was 16 because my parents are horrible and don't take care of me, and my parents aren't around because they don't care about me enough to stop by. There goes to show, never judge a book by its cover, it may have an untouched outside and book jacket, but on the inside, it's torn, it's been written on, and it has more than a few drops of coffee spilled on the edges.

Driving to school for me is an extra 20 minutes to finish getting ready/mini jam session. When pulling into the school parking lot with a whopping 10 minutes to spare, when one of my all-time-favorite songs comes on, "American Idiot". I leave the car on long enough to listen to the whole song, and then I gather up all of my excitement, and press it all foward to show to all of the remaining faces at school.

Don't want to be an American idiot.

Don't want a nation that's under the new media

And can you hear the sound of hysteria?

The subliminal mind fuck America.

I waltzed onto to blacktop where the twelfth graders stay before the bell rings to go to first period. Looking at the section of pavement from afar, I could see all of the different groups of people, the jocks, the popular/preppy, the wanna-be's, the nerds, the people that are cool and has a lot of friends but not quite popular, and lastly, the kids that are rarely in class and constantly high.I fit in with the cool but not quite popular group. I have a lot of friends from all grades and of all types, but I'm not one of the preppy cheerleaders that bounce around like they had springs taped to their feet. I am more of the person people go to for sarcastic humor relief and homework help. Unlike many of the kids in my school that don't have good parents or any at all, I care about my school work and try hard. I am one of the only ones in my class making all A's because everyone else is trying to hold up to an invisible standard of coolness. Nobody knows how to think wisely for themselves and it's completely ridiculous.

Welcome to a new kind of tension

All across the alienation.

Where everything isn't meant to be okay.

Television dreams of tomorrow.

Were not the ones who're meant to follow.

Fot that's enough to argue.

I walk past the group of cheerleaders and preppy school girls, then they all get quiet. It's normal for them to stop talking. Why is it not unusual? They're so uncomfortable around me because they are the ones who outed my situation. How did they know? It all started when I made the mistake of becoming best friends with Claire, the leader of the clan, and we were so close that I told her everything. Being that she was besties with my arch nemesis Lauren, she told her and Lauren used that information. She e-mailed all of the people in school about me and for a while, I was completely alone. After about two weeks, a group of kids that I had never really noticed before came up to me. That's how the my current friends came to be. That's why there is so much tension between me and the cheer girls. I continued walking until I reached my table and I sat down next to Erin. "Hey! There's my awesome nerd that I haven't seen in two weeks! Your trip to New York might have been fun for you but it was torture for me!" Erin had left our lovely state of Louisiana, where the food is hot and the weather hotter. "Glad to see you to Bug! I've got to get to class early so I guess I'll see you later."she said to me while making a sad face and walking away. "Don't leave me! I just got you back!" i yelled at her while chuckling, and with that she was gone and I sat down to check my phone. When I turned on my phone,the screen said it was already 7:54! I guess it took me longer to walk through the swarm of ignorant teens to reach my table. Off I go to my first period class- history.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2015 ⏰

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