Allegiant: Alternative Ending

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(I don't own the Divergent series, only this little extension of how it could have ended)
I push the green button, hear a loud bang, and then the world goes black.

I open my eyes and the scene surrounding me is utterly destructed. There are people walking around, looking dazed and confused, at that point, I think I have failed. All of my efforts have turned to dust as I lay among the rubble of the bureau that was destroyed by rebels as the memory serum planes were launched, I think about what I could have done. I think of life as an explosive, it ends and leaves a path of destruction in its wake, but if you get creative, it can be a beautiful. It's whether or not you do something that determines if your life becomes something, just as if you put the explosive to good use, it can create something amazing, like fireworks that entertain an entire crowd of people. Now, I think that my life is just a ticking-time bomb and when it ends it will do nothing but destroy and I will have done nothing amazing.

As I walked upon the ruined ground, I notice that the world was hazy and had a white hue. I knew it was fake but felt so real! What is happening? Maybe I'm dreaming, or am I dead. Is this even reality? I know what it is! This must be a simulation and I have to wake up. I have to!

Not a moment passed and I wake with a start. "" I yell between gasps. "Somebody tell me where I am!" I scream, demanding to be answered. I don't remember what happened before being in the sim, I do remember reaching out for something and sharp pain in my leg but even that's foggy. I look down and see my right leg bandaged and swollen. Well at least I remembered that correctly, but how did it get there? I don't know how did it, I don't even recall someone else in the room with me.

Roughly ten minutes have passed and I'm frantic. Normally, if you're in a simulation, there will be people monitoring you but all there is in this room is a mirror. When I look into the mirror, I can tell it's been awhile since I've bathed, my cheeks are sunken in which means I haven't been fed properly, and my leg is thoroughly injured and possibly infected. I have the urge to break the window. These people have captured me, put me in a simulation, and not taken care of me. They deserve to feel my bubbling rage displayed upon then in a flurry of punches, kicks, and stabs. This holding cell reminds me of Erudite and I think that's what is making me crazy.

When darkness approached, I could only tell because everything got eerily quiet and the floor got colder as the air began to chill, I sat with my bruised back against the wall, sick of laying down feeling helpless. I heard a loud clang, the sound of a door being unlocked, and propped myself alongside the wall while testing my unsteady leg, getting prepped to bolt. "Here's dinner." I hear a gruff voice saying, the speaking muffled due to the door in the way. "Let me out!" I say and try to force my hand through the doggy-door that my dinner tray was slid through. It didn't work. Getting my hand through the doggy-door I mean, but I did succeed in getting my finger smashed as it slammed atop it. How great, another injury to cope with.

As I lay down to rest, I begin thinking of how they knew I didn't need someone to feed me. Obviously they were watching me or else they wouldn't know that I was conscious, but how they did it, I didn't know. I had ruled out cameras earlier because I checked the entire room for any sign of technology which I didn't see. All there was in this square room was a tattered bed that I was forced to sleep on. Of course that and the mirror. Oh duh! The mirror is a one way mirror! I can't see through it but the people on the other side can. That's so clever! Anyone captured in here would think that there is technology involved considering the advances in electronic devices in the bureau and the complete mindset of an Erudite. Now that I know, it's obvious because the mirror has a green tint which implies certain coating which makes it possible for them to see me but not vice versa. I went up to the glass and presses the tip of my finger against it. Sure enough, no gap. When you touch a mirror there should be a small gap between you finger and the reflection. If there isn't, then it's one-way. I spent so much time trying to find the cameras that I was ignoring what was right in front of my face, I'm ridiculous.

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