XV. Vent- 1 Carter and Wick- 0

Start from the beginning

"-Can you not-"

"- He's got the whole dark hair, dark eyes and brooding look going on. Not to mention he has the reputation of a real bad boy..."

"Oh my god, that's enough, please stop!" Carter's words muffled against her hands as she buried her face in them. Who knew her dad, a stern and merciless Councillor, would have the ability to embarrass her?

She heard Kane chuckle and she peaked through her finger tips. "Sorry, it was too good to resist..." Silence overtook the tent as Kane's expression sobered a little. " He's a good man. That doesn't mean that I approve of your relationship, but I can see that he cares about you, and the rest of the delinqu-uh, the rest of the Hundred. And even though he did try and kill Chancellor Jaha, there's no one in this camp I trust your life with more than him." Pause. "But that doesn't mean I'm not going to have a chat with him on why I don't want my daughter running off with him."

"Thanks? I think..." Carter frowned. Despite the fact he had directly said that he didn't approve of their relationship, he didn't necessarily say he didn't like it. Maybe he ships us like Monty... Carter mused, though her heart clenched at her friend's name. Yawning loudly, Carter stretched her arms. "Well... I'm just about done for today, so I'm gonna catch a few Z's before the sun rises."

"Okay, but don't think you're off the hook young lady."

Carter smiled sleepily. "I'm down with that. Night, dad."

"Night, Carter."


For the first time in what felt like ages, Carter had risen before the sun and it shocked her. For the past few days, she had struggled to roll out of bed before noon, much less at such an early time. Dressed and somewhat ready to face the world, Carter stumbled out of the tent she shared with her father and looked around the camp for any conscious human she could bother until the rest of camp was up.

"Hey, stranger!" A chirpy voice startled Carter and she snapped her attention towards a grinning face that she hadn't seen since they had been reunited with the rest of their people.

"Kara!" Carter replied with an equal amount of enthusiasm as a smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Where the hell have you been?!"

"Me?" Kara pointed towards herself, raising an eyebrow. "Where have you been? I haven't left this freaking hell hole since we returned. You're the one that keeps disappearing."

"When adventure calls, I go running." Carter defended with a small, nonchalant shrug. "Sorry I haven't came to see you, I mean what with Finn's death..."

Kara shuddered as a pained look overtook her features. "I get it, don't worry."

"So who have you been chilling with?" Carter changed subject as they both walked towards the fire. "Steven?"

"Nah, he keeps disappearing too, I've seen him sneak into the woods a few times... John and I have this theory that maybe he's going to see that Grounder girl, you know, like Romeo and Juliet?" Kara snickered. "It's quite entertaining really."

"I can imagine." Carter smirked, making a mental note to bring that vital piece of information up with the young lad next time she got around to seeing him. A smirk came into place as she took interest to another part of Kara's story. "So... you and John are... conspiring eh?"

How could she ever forget Murphy's real, less asshole-ish name?

"Yeah." The brunette sighed in content as they found themselves sat besides the camp fire. Like the glory days, Carter thought with amusement. "He's different now, I think after everything that happened, he's changed... I know I said this before, but I can really feel it now, you know?"

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