Chapter One

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Ronnie's POV

I awoke to the sound of my mother screaming from downstairs.

It took about three seconds for my mind to register that there were only two possible outcomes of this situation: 1) her boyfriend, Trent, must've proposed to her, or 2) she was being murdered by a serial killer.

The second one made me fall out of the bed and grab my curling iron as quickly as possible, running downstairs and into the kitchen. I looked around. No serial killer, no diamond ring. Hm.

Wait, only an owl.

An owl?!

"Veronica Evans!" My mother shrieked, Trent holding onto her tightly. "Is this another one of your 'house pets' that you managed to sneak into the house?" She asked sternly. Actually, she could've been right. I sneak in animals left and right, last week's was a mouse that ended up in the toilet, right when my brother Adam needed it. Mom passed out when that happened, and she's been on me ever since.

I shook my head. "No, I swear to god I didn't bring this in. He's kind of cute, though." I said, putting the curling iron down and walking toward him. Or her, I didn't know.

"Ronnie! Don't touch it, it might have rabies!" Mom said.

"Pfft. It's fine." I said, putting out a finger to touch the owl. Ouch! It bit me!

Did I mention I'm not good with animals, either? I just like them, so I sneak them into the house and use them as pets until Mom or Trent or Adams find out, or I get clawed/bitten/scratched to death. Whichever comes first. Usually the second.

"Crap!" I said, tearing my finger away and looking at the cut. It was bleedings slightly, so I smeared it off and onto my black Pentatonix shirt.

"Ronnie, get over here before that thing attacks you!" Mom said again, yanking my arm and pulling me over to the corner where she was huddled around Trent. "Are bleeding? Are you hurt? Do you have rabies? Trent, what are the symptoms of rabies?" She asked worriedly. I began letting my spit drool over my mouth to look like foam, then shrugged. Mom gasped, and Trent chuckled under his breath before shaking his head and then talking to Mom.

"Relax, Margret, I'll take care of it." Trent said, breaking away from my mom's iron fist and walking slowly towards the owl.

"Trent, if you get bitten too I swear--"

"Calm down, look, it's okay." Trent said as the owl climbed onto his arm and allowed him to pet him. The heck? How is Trent the Owl Whisperer and I'm Owl Food?

"What's on his leg?" Mom asked.

Oh, I didn't realize that before. There, perched on the owl's claw, was a letter. With a red seal. I walked forward, but Mom held me back with an arm and shook her head. Trent untied the letter, looked at it, and handed it to me.

"It's addressed to Ronnie."

He was right.

Veronica Evans
Third bedroom in 47 Mason Drive
California, USA

I looked at Trent and then at Mom. "The heck is this?" I asked, flipping it over and over in my hands. The address was completely accurate, which was even scarier. Not that I was scared in the first place. Mom gasped, then walked up the stairs to her room without saying a word. Trent quicker his eyebrow, then looked down at me then up at Mom's door slamming.

"Be right back, Ronnie." Trent said, going up the stairs and into their bedroom.

I blinked, then sat down at the kitchen counter. Suddenly, my phone screen lit up with a text from my best friend, Ginny Dansworth.


I unlocked my phone and read the message over and over again, before snapping a picture of my own letter and responding.

Ronnie: Like this???

I looked up at the owl, who hooted at me then squawked loudly as if he's being attacked. I put out another finger to try to pet him again, but was bitten once more.

"I really hate you, you know." I said, ripping my hand away and looking back down at the new cut.

The owl hooted in response, as if saying the feeling's mutual.

I sighed, then turned back down to the letter. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the seal read.

Wait, what?!



Golden (A Harry Potter Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz