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HAPPY BIRTHDAY MATTHEW LEE ESPINOSA!!! everyone is saying you're turning 18, but in my eyes you're still 6. I can't believe how far you've gotten in these past years, and I couldn't be more proud of you. I hope you have an amazing day today and I hope you're happy because you're finally an adult and YOU CAN VOTE AND STUFF! It feels like you were 16 just yesterday and now you're all big and tall and 18 and stuff, wow time does fly by. Thank you for always putting a smile on my face for these past years, because without you I'd feel like nothing basically. Keep acting like you're 7 please, you'll always be a kid at heart, and I love you for that. KEEP SMILING AND LAUGHING AND DOING YOU BECAUSE I LOVE YOU UNCONDITIONALLY AND ENDLESSLY HAVE A DINOSAURS AND CHEF GREAT DAY, LOVE YOU AND YOUR DORKYNESS 🎉🎉❤️💥😭

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