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Julia's POV
So he leads me on by kissing me a lot then goes to a party and instantly forgets about me. I know I should've never fallen for him. After he left I went straight to bed and then on the morning I walked home.

*3 new text messages*
Matt- Jules please I'm sorry
Matt- It was a fan I didn't mean to lead you on!
Matt- I'm just sorry...

I know I'm overreacting but c'mon he meets the girl then is making out with her? I just don't understand boys nor will I ever.

I change into sweats and a hoodie and went for downstairs. "Honey I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner I just was scared you wouldn't love me anymore!" My mom said to me. "No mom it's okay and I will still love you but whenever you want to tell me my birth parents im ready but maybe wait a little bit."

I walk outside and went for a walk. I'm just trying to clear my mind and of course I run into matt. "Jules hey I'm sorry alright I.." "Save it matt it's fine i don't care anymore." Matt hugs me tightly. "I will never lead you on again unless I know for a fact I like you." I nodded and he had to go home.

I'm glad we're on good terms but sometimes I need my space from him. I fell for him and I know I'll never be over those feelings but maybe I do need to get over them. Some people say best friends make the best couples some people don't.

I walked to starbucks and got an iced coffee. I finished it up and went home. I instantly got a call from matt.

"Hey Jules so I got invited to a tour called magcon I was wondering if you wanted to come?!"
"Okay better pack we leave tomorrow we're going to Cali!"

I ran to my mom to tell her and she agreed to let me go. I bolted up the stairs and packed shorts and warm weather clothes.

An hour later of packing I ate dinner then took a shower so I could be ready in the morning. I went to bed so I got a good nights sleep before the plane ride.

I woke up at 5:00 and I went downstairs to eat breakfast. Luke and mom hugged me goodbye and I grabbed my luggage and matt drove me and him to the airport. Oh and btw Madison's coming too!!

We got to the airport and boarded our plane ride. I got the window seat then matt then Madison. Once we took off I fell asleep on matt.

"Hey baby girl wake up were here!" Matt said it a sweet voice. I got up and left the plane. When we got off the plane a bunch of dudes were waiting for us. I recognized all of them from vine. "Hi matt! Hi julia! Hi Madison!" They all said in unison. We laughed and exchanged hugs.

We rode a limo to the hotel and the rooms are like this

Me and Madison
Matt, Nash, Cameron
Shawn, taylor, jacob
Carter, Hayes, Aaron
Jack, jack, Sammy

Me and Madison got to our rooms and unpacked.

We all decided to go to the movies. I just put on jeans and a hoodie because it's cold in the theater. Madison does the same and we slip on our uggs.

We head down to the lobby and get into a car. When we get to the theater the boys are mobbed.

Me and Madison just buy ourselves tickets and walk into the theater. When boys get back shawn sits next to me.

"Hey Jules." "Hi shawn!!" Me and shawn use to be really close before he went back to Canada. "We need to hangout tomorrow because I miss you!" He says to me. "Yes okay!" Then we watch the movie.

After the movie we come back to the hotel and we gather in Matt's room. The boys made vines and YouTube videos and it was fun. Then Shawn sang for us and gosh that boy has a beautiful voice! I use to really like shawn when we were close I mean I still do but not as much.

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