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(Matt's POV)

About a half an hour later she starts waking up. She rubs her eyes smudging makeup on her eyes. She looks around at everyone keeping silent. Her eyes land on me and she stares.

"How you feeling?" Lotti asks while Julia breaks her stare from me back to Lotti.

"Fine" her voice cracks.

"Bullshit" I say and she giggles.

"I know when you lie Grier" I say and she smiles. Lotti grabs some wipes and wipes at her face. Probably taking the smudged makeup off.

"Ow" she says.

"Sorry Julia" Lotti says throwing the wipes away.

"How'd this happen J?" Nash asks.

"I was really tired and I couldn't keep my eyes open, a semi came right at me. I thought I was gonna die" she shakes as tears come flowing. Cam grabs her hand and rubs it.

"I'm gonna go grab some food" I say and walk out of the room. I walk to the cafeteria and grab everyone coffee and a breakfast sandwich. I grab a bagel for myself and then walk back to Julia's room.

I hand everyone coffee and food as they thank me. I look at Lotti when se finishes and she nods.

"Hey why don't the four of us go get some more coffee" Lotti says to Nash, Cam, and Hayes.

"But I haven't even finished mine" Nash starts.

"Well I want more, let's go!" Lotti says pushes them out. Julia laughs and Lotti shuts the door. I look back to Julia to see her starring at her coffee.

"How are you? By honest" I say and she runs the rim of her cup. She sighs and opens her mouth to begin to talk but closes it.

"I just was scared really. I thought it was the end. They told me I almost died, memories flashed back and I knew it was the end. But something just made me keep fighting because I didn't want to leave it" she says and looks at me.

"What was that something?"

"You" she begins "but I don't want to need you, but no matter how hard I try, I do."


"I'm just really tired" she starts to cry. She's not tired, as in sleep tired. She's tired of living.

"Julia, I love you" I say but she turns the other way and closes her eyes. I sigh and walk out of the room.

(Julia's POV)

There was a little bit of me wanting it to end, but there was more of me that wanted to live. I just don't want to depend on someone, but it's like I have to.

I just close my eyes but the tears keep falling. He says he loves me but do I believe it? Love is so complicated.

I just clear my mind of everything and decide to get some sleep.


"Alright Julia you may go home today, just please don't do anything too severe. Get lots of rest" the doctor says and I nod.

A whole week went by. Lotti came everyday to check up on me. Matt came also but I just pretended I was sleeping when he came.

I hop off the bed already changed into clothes Lotti had brought me. She wraps her arm around me and we walk out of the hospital.

"You're finally free" she says and I smile.

"Did I miss anything?" I ask squinting my eyes at the sunlight.

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