Smoking and Saucy

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Mel took a bite of her sandwich. Time for lunch, she thought. Now, I wonder if I’ll have time to start reading that story about stars… She pulled out her phone and started looking through her library.

“Ah, Mel?” Lili’s head popped up over the partition. “You’re not busy tonight, are you? Just there’s a big executive meeting last thing this afternoon, to fit with the CEO’s schedule and Mephi’s gone on leave. Could you stay to take the meeting minutes and write them up afterwards?”

Mel looked up from her phone. “Shouldn’t it be one of the usual admin people in executive, who know more about confidential high-level stuff?”

Lili looked abashed. “Well, yes, but Mephi recommended you to Luce and he requested your services, so…”

Mel felt her lips curl up in a customary smile. “Of course. I don’t have plans tonight after work.” Except eating dinner, she thought but kept to herself. “I’d be happy to help out. Does that mean I’ll get time off in lieu of the extra hours, or do you just want me to put the hours on my timesheet as overtime?”

Lili shrugged. “Your call. I don’t mind. Can you ring Luce’s PA to tell her you’ll do it?”

“Isn’t Mephi away?” Mel asked, mystified.

“Yes, but there’s some temp doing her job until she comes back. She’ll be at Mephi’s desk.” Lili dismissed her and disappeared.

Mel picked up the phone and dialled Mephi’s extension.

“Hello, Hell Corporation Executive. This is Persephone. How may I direct your call?” The breathless voice sounded like a child’s. Mel envisaged pink, bubblegum and knee socks, carefully camouflaging what Mel knew to be a capable girl with a very naughty tattoo.

Mel laughed. “Persi? It’s Mel. Just ringing to say I’ll be taking the minutes at the executive meeting this afternoon.”

“Oh!” Persi squeaked, giggling. “I’m so nervous! I’ve never had so much responsibility – personal assistant to a CEO and all. He’s so attractive, too…”

Mel smothered a smile. “Sounds like you’re doing fine, Persi. Can you tell Luce for me, please.” She waited.

“Oh…oh, sure!” Persi bubbled. “One second…sir! Miss Angel has confirmed that she will be available to attend the executive meeting!” She sounded like she was going to burst with excitement.

“Can you transfer her through to me?” Mel heard Luce ask.

Persi pressed some buttons which made noise but did nothing else. “I don’t know!” she squeaked.

“Then I’ll just borrow your phone,” Luce’s voice purred, growing in volume as he approached Persi’s desk. His tone didn’t change after crackling noises told Mel the phone had changed hands. “Hello, Mel.”

Mel rolled her eyes. He’s laying it on a bit thick for poor Persi, fresh out of school and barely eighteen. “Hi. Lili’s told me you need me for tonight’s meeting. It starts at four in the boardroom, right?”

Luce laughed throatily. “That’s right. Did she tell you that I’d require your services afterwards, finalising the minutes from the meeting and the like?”

Mel smiled in response, even though she knew he couldn’t see her. “Of course. See you at four.” She carefully placed the phone back in the cradle.

Four came ‘round, Mel claimed the keyboard in the boardroom and time ticked away as she took the minutes from a thoroughly boring executive meeting. She kept her eyes on the screen and didn’t look up, except to identify the presenter of a particular point.

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