Mermaid for the Minister

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Mel felt self-conscious as she stepped into the office. She’d decided to write a little story for Wattpad herself, after reading so many. Now she worried that people in the office would laugh if they knew she’d written a story about mermaids.

She dropped her bag on her desk, glancing at the big south window. Her computer was already on, which seemed strange.

“Good morning!” boomed a voice behind her. “What are you looking for?”

Spinning on the spot, Mel came face to face with a man she’d never met before. “I’m looking for my coffee cup, so I can have some caffeine before I check my emails,” she replied uncertainly.

“Oh, were you the girl who borrowed my desk while I was away? I had your clutter moved to the desk by the fire escape, where it belongs,” he dismissed her. “Try looking over there.” He enthroned himself on what had been Mel’s desk chair and ignored her as he placed his hand possessively over her former mouse.

Mel summoned a smile. “Thank you,” she said as she left the bright shared office to return to the cramped, dark desk by the fire escape.

Gabi was waiting for her with a box full of Mel’s belongings. As soon as she saw Mel, her expression turned from bewildered to sad. “Mel, some new man told me I had to pack up all your things and move them. I didn’t know what else to do – you weren’t here and nor was Lili…”

Mel was calm and collected. As temporary staff, even her desk was only a temporary arrangement. Today, she wouldn’t have to worry about showing off her stockings to everyone on the plaza. She could wear skirts as short as she pleased. “No worries, Gabi. It was too bright by the big south window and the air conditioning couldn’t cope with the sun coming in on hot days. Thanks for taking such good care of my things. Now, if the rumours I heard downstairs on my way in are correct, we’re very well placed for…”

The fire alarm began to sound over the office PA system. Gabi’s eyes widened. The beeping lengthened to whooping as Mel smiled. The two angels were first to evacuate down the fire escape stairs.

When the fire and evacuation drill was complete, it was time for coffee, so Mel dug her mug out in readiness for an instant almost-coffee while her computer started. She took her first sip as she checked her emails.

One of her friends had been so inspired by her little mermaid story that she’d decided to do some painting, an email told Mel. She was so pleased at the compliment she felt her cheeks turn pink as Mel clicked on the picture attached to the email.

“Here’s our little angel! Minister, I’d like you to meet Mel, our little miracle worker in averting alien invasions!” Luce’s beaming face behind her was the first thing Mel saw, with another besuited man behind him.

Mel stood and offered her hand to the man Luce called Minister, recognising the Minister for Productivity. He was the man who’d decided to sell off government services, so the government of the day could fill a budget black hole. Mel had always wondered if giving government services to the Pit had been such a wise decision, but never had the opportunity to ask the Minister his thoughts on the matter. Now was her chance.

She opened her mouth, trying to arrange the question carefully so she’d receive an answer.

“Wow! Isn’t she a beauty?” the Minister said with a smile, looking past Mel.

She closed her mouth quickly, expecting Lili to appear, but she didn’t.

“You are a talented lass, aren’t you, Mel? When did you paint that?” Luce asked, his eyes intent on Mel’s computer screen.

“I’d like a copy on the wall in my office!” the Minister said with a smile.

“Oh, no, my friend did it. She just sent me a photo so I could see…” Mel protested, unsure how to introduce the subject of her mermaid story.

Both Luce and the Minister started walking away, toward the next desk.

Mel sank gratefully onto her chair, watching to make sure neither man was looking to return. Her computer had blacked out to her screensaver, so she nudged the mouse to wake it up.

A beautiful blonde mermaid, her breasts on full display in glorious colour, beamed out from Mel’s screen. She was, indeed, a beauty.

Mel felt her cheeks go well past pink, approaching the colour of those clearly visible nipples. “Oh hell,” she whimpered.

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