-Commander in trianing-

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"Good morning Mr.Reed, did you sleep well last night?" Ms.Smith said, as I was walking up the steps to the office. "I slept well, Ms.Smith, thanks for asking." I replied, rubbing my eyes, and yawning.
"Do we have any plans for today, Ms.Smith?"
"No sir, but we can do something if you want?"
"Okay, then today....umm, can we go check out all of the associations?"
"Well today Mr.Brown was going to go to each one, and see what supplies they needed."
"Oh....well then can I see what kind of stuff they need?"
"We can ask, but I wont make any promises....okay?"

We walk inside, and over to the teleportation pad. I really like teleporting, because it tickles, and it feels like someone is taking you apart. Atom by atom, and putting you back together somewhere else. When we get to the top floor Mr.Brown is gathering his things, whispering things under his breath.
"Good morning Mr.Brown"
"Good morning Mr.Reed"
"Um...I was wanting to know if I could help you today?"
"No, I can do this by myself."
"Please it would help you get back in time for your afternoon meeting?"
"I don't know, because you've never done this before, and-"
"I'll have to learn one day, so why not now?"
"Ok...but you are going to be monitored by Ms.Smith all day, making sure you do your job right. Ok?"
"Really, ok, thank you!"
Mr.Brown had association's 1-5 and I had 6-10, I was so excited, since I had lived in association 9 my whole life. When we got to association 6, a middle aged man, with blonde hair and blue eyes, greeted me, with a puzzled look on his face.
"I knew that we were getting checked on, but I didn't know that it was by our commander in training. It's a pleasure meeting you."
"Um...its nice meeting you too sir, shall we get started?".
"Oh yes I'm sorry" he says while pulling out a little device. He says says something under his breath, then the thing opens in a way. The short side is about the length of my hand and, the long side was about the length of the space between my wrist and elbow.
"The first thing on the list is the teleportation pads in all of the schools next is-"
"Im sorry, but that device your holding, does it have a USB outlet?" I said interrupting him
"We'll Mr.Brown, and the commanders before him, have been writing everything you need....right?"
"Umm...yes?" He said with a puzzled look on his face
"We'll instead of just writing them down, why didn't they just use a USB port to just download what you need, and cut the job in half? Or why didn't they just make you send them the list, to really save time?"
"I don't know sir that's just the way we've always done it. That is a good idea, I don't know why nobody has thought about doing that before. You really deserve to be the new commander."
"Thank you...I'm sorry but I dont know your name?"
"Oh my apologies you can call me Mr.Wilson"
"Ok well Mr.Wilson I'll copy your list and be on my way."
"Ok here you go." He said, handing me the list. I take out a USB, put it in the device, download the lost, and hand it back to him.
"Thank you Mr.Wilson"
"No problem"
And just like that we left to association 7, I was so excited that my first job, was so successful. I've got this commander thing in the bag.

When were done we go back to the office and wait for Mr.Brown to get back. While we wait Ms.Smith and I decided to start gathering the supplies that each association needed. By the time Mr.Brown got back, it was time for his afternoon meeting. When he walked into my office he was surprised that we beat him. All he could do was stare at me and Ms.Smith with his jaw dropping to the floor, and all I did was smile. I was proud of what I did today.
"You should go, or else your gonna be late for your meeting Mr.Brown" Ms.Smith said not looking away from the pile of supplies
"But how did you-"
"Get here so fast, it was all Conner, he found a faster way to do the job. But we will tell you when you get back from your meeting."
"Um...yea....I'll just...leave my list here since it looks like everything here is under control." And with that he leaves the room, leaving behind his list.
"Now where were we" I say

After Mr.Browns meeting, he came straight to my office, with his astonishment the room was empty.
"Where is everything?" He said in a confused voice
"Oh, we delivered it to the association's already."
"Oh, well, then what are you doing?"
"We're just talking, and going over our plans for tomorrow."
"Oh, got any plans yet?"
"Well I was thinking of making Ms.Smith a partner or husband, but I was gonna ask you first. So.....can we?"
"I don't know."
"Alright, but under 2 conditions."
"Number 1. It has to be a partner and Number 2. You have to tell me how I can make days like today go faster"

The next day I went straight up to my office, and began my work on my new friend. I decided last night that she was gonna be my age, have blonde hair, blue eyes, and some freckles under her eyes, on her cheeks. This girl would have color unlike Ms.Smith, and her name would be Jenna.

Later that day, when I was done programming Jenna, I decided to sleep in my office for the night. Just to make sure everything would go smoothly. I asked Ms.Smith to get me a blanket and a pillow, and she did. I fell asleep in 5 minutes tops.

I woke up and checked on Jenna, but she wasnt there. I asked Ms.Smith but she didn't help, I ran back into my office and there she was.
"Good morning Mr.Reed, I saw that you were sleeping here and that you didn't have any clothes. So I decided to get you some for you."
"Your welcome"
"Ms.Smith is there a place that I can shower?"
"Um...yes...on the 5th floor"
"Ok" I said walking to the teleportation pad. When I get on the 5th floor I find the shower and turn on the water. I check to see if it's warm enough and it is, so I take off my clothes and step in. After 5 minutes of just standing under the water, it goes freezing cold for a few seconds then goes back to normal. When it happened I made a wierd noise, and then I decided to soap up. I started with my hair, then moved to the rest of my body. I stood under the water and rinsed the soap off of me. When I opened my eyes Jenna was standing in front of just looking down.
"I've never seen one in person." she said reaching for it. I covered my junk and reached through her to turn off the water. I reached outside the shower, and didn't feel my towel.
"Where's my towel Jenna?"
"I heard you make a weird noise, so I came down here to see what was wrong I didn't see anybody so I hid your towel. Just incase they came back to finish the job, and then I decided to stay and make sure that if they did come back, they wouldn't hurt you."
"But why were you in the shower with me?"
"I realized I hadn't seen one in person, and that you programmed me to be a Dr. I was just curious."
"Just give me my towel." And just like that she vanished then came back, with a towel.
"Thank you, you can go back upstairs now."
"Are you sure?"
Then she vanished again, allowing me to get dressed, in peace.


Heyy guys hope you liked this wierd chapter. Srry for updating a day late, but I got distracted umm thx all of you that read ill update next friday luv yall bye

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