-My Promotion-

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Today was the day of my promotion. It has been 2 years since I found out that I was to be the new commander. I was so excited that I could hardly wait, I was lightheaded whenever I stood up and sick when I sat down. I was so excited and nervous, that I could do a cartwheel and throw up at the same time. When I saw what the plans for today were, I knew that I wasn't going to relax any time soon.

6:00- Have breakfast with Mr.Brown
6:30- Get into tuxedo
7:00- Take pictures with Mr.Brown
7:15- Meet everyone in association 10
8:00- Meet everyone in association 9
8:45- Meet everyone in association 8
9:30- Meet everyone in association 7
10:15- Meet everyone in association 6
11:00- Meet everyone in association 5
11:45- Meet everyone in association 4
12:00- Have lunch with Mr.Brown
12:30- Meet everyone in association 3
1:15- Meet everyone in association 2
2:00- Meet everyone in association 1
2:45- Watch every 18 year-old's get assigned their new job
4:45- Everyone meets up for the final ceremony
5:00- Speeches
6:00- Dinner with everyone in the city
6:30- Mr.Browns final speech
7:30- Mr.Browns retirement
8:00- My promotion
8:30- Everybody goes home
9:00- Everybody goes to bed

It was 5:55 right now, and I was heading to the place that Mr.Brown and I would be eating breakfast. When I get there Mr.Brown is sitting at the table.
"Take a seat, breakfast will be here soon." Mr.Brown said not looking up from the device he was holding. As soon as I sat down the clock turned 6, and something came out of the wall. There was 2 of them, 1 on each side of the table, the had a hand looking thing for a head. The hand came down, and lasers shot out of it, and the next thing I know, my breakfast is right in front of me.
"Thank you." I say staring at the thing
"Cool huh." Mr.Brown said staring at me
"Ya, who made them?"
"Mrs.White, she was the commander before me."
"Oh cool, is she still alive?"
"Yes, she is living with all of the retired commanders. Tomorrow I will move into one of the houses."
"Oh, will I ever get to see you again?"
"Of course."
"Good cause I don't know how to command a city on my own."
"You'll do fine."
"You really think so?"
"I know so, now lets eat." Mr.Brown said picking up his silverware.

After breakfast I go back up to my office and get into my tuxedo. After that Mr.Brown and I go outside, on the front steps in front of the building. We take our pictures, which was wierd because robots were taking them, and we didn't know when to smile or which to look at. Then we went to association 10, which was amazing! I remember it when I went the first time. The houses were like mansions, and the schools were bigger then any of houses. Everyone was so nice to me, saying "It's such an honor to meet you." I didn't know how to respond to them, so I just smiled and said "Thank you." When we got to association 9 it didn't take long, because I was raised there. When we got to association 8, I noticed that the building's weren't as big as the ones in association 10. I never noticed, because I never looked, but now I did.

After lunch we went to association 3, and thing's weren't pretty, but association 3 wasn't as bad as association 1. The people in association 1 were practically homeless, it was so bad I wanted to cry for them. But I couldn't, I couldn't let my people see me cry, it was unprofessional. As soon as i saw a family like mine, I knew things had to change. The first thing I was going to do, was make it to where everybody was treated the same. I'm going to give the people in association 1, what the the people in association 10 have, and everybody in between.

While we were meeting everyone in association 1, everybody else must have gone to the office building. When we got there me and Mr.Brown took our seats, and when we did they started. My best friends job was inventing new things for the city, which means that he would be working a few buildings over from me. After the ceremony everybody went to the place we were going have dinner. Me and Mr.Brown were the first to get there and when I saw the lay out I just stared at it all. Rows and rows of tables and chairs ending when they met a elevated platform. On top of the platform there were 2 tables separated by a podium, with the logo of the city. There was 12 seats on top of the platform, 2 of them were for me and Mr.Brown, the other 10 were for the people that were like Mr.Wilson. I follow Mr.Brown to the platform and take my seat. We wait for everyone to get into their assigned seats, when they're all settled, we begin. First Mr.Wilson, since he was the ambassador of association 10, then so on and so forth.
"About 2 years ago on Mr.Browns monthly trip, he didn't show up, Mr.Reed did. I was really nervous, but I didn't show it, because I was standing face to face with my future boss. That day Mr.Reed came up with a new way we could do the monthly visits. That day, when he left, I knew 2 things.
1. This kid really deserves this job
2. I made a new friend
Thank you for your time." After he said that the whole room roared to life with claps. Next was the ambassador of association 9, which was cool, because my dad was the ambassador of association 9.
"Good evening everyone. As you all know I am the father of Conner. I dont know were to start, so I'll start from the beginning. When Conner was born it was one of the happiest days of my life. I remember when my wife had just given birth to him, and she was holding him. 'Hey little buddy, I'm your dad' I said to him. While I was saying that I was holding his hand between my thumb and index finger. When I started to let go, he squeezed my finger. At 8 months he took his first steps. At 6 months he said his first word, which was dada. At 3 he was adding and subtracting. At 4 he was multiplying and dividing, but only simple things. Like 2+2 or 2×2. On the day of the test, I was so proud of my son that day, because every question I asked him. He answered them all without hesitation. And look at where he is now, I couldn't be any prouder." Thats when I wanted to get up, hug my dad and just cry. Everybody else's speeches were really long and boring. After the ambassador of association 1 Mr.Brown stood up and said now lets eat. Then out of no where robots came put of the walls again, but this time with plates. Everyone had a certain plate number that had the same number as their chair. When everyone was done Mr.Brown said he had to use the bathroom. After 5 minutes I was a little worried, so I told Jenna to tell the people what was going on and not to panic. While I was looking for him. When I couldn't find him I was really worried, so I told Ms.Smith to find him. The reason I was worried because if we couldn't find, then he couldn't retire and give me the job. 10 minutes later I returned to the party and took my seat. Then Ms.Smith showed up, looking anger at the city. Ms.Smith went to the podium and said, "Lady's and Gentlemen, I have terrible news. Mr.Brown is dead. And I know who the killer is." Whispers filled the room and people were yelling who.
"Him" She said pointing at me.

Heyy guys hope u loved where i stopped lol well thx for reading hope u enjoyed it luv u all byee

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