“Did you know he was back, wait is your brother back?” I asked looking up at her.

“Yeah, they both came back 3 days ago, my mom told me Louis was going to be here, and I just didn’t know what class he was going to be in. I’m so sorry, if I knew he was going to be with Stein, I would’ve told you.”

“It okay, I just need to get the fuck out of here” I said standing up

The nurse let me leave. Nicole brought me home on her off period, she offered to stay but I kind of needed this time to myself. Lindsey’s 5 year anniversary was right around the corner. I didn’t realize how much I missed that girl until today.

Nicole came into my life right before Lindsey died when we were 12. She was friends with Lindsey but I didn’t really know her too well. She was Harry’s little half-sister. His mom and her dad got married the summer before we went to middle school. I’ve known Harry since I was 3 years old because of Lindsey and Louis. Me and Lindsey used to have the BIGGEST crush on him, he was adorable. We were tweens and he was “the older brother’s best friend” but they were 17, they didn’t pay attention to us. He knew who I was obviously but:

1. We were in 6th grade

2. I had acne

3. I had braces

4. I was chubby

5. No boobs

What high school Senior wanted anything to do with that? It’s like breaking the cardinal rules of being “cool”. Now that I know he is back in town, I wonder what Harry would think of me now. I’m 17, almost 18, 5’4 petite frame, long brown hair and big brown eyes. He would shit himself, I’m convinced I laughed to myself and just shook my head. Harry and Louis were almost 23 by now. Now wonder why Louis didn’t recognize me, a lot has changed in 5 years.

I immediately ran up to my room shutting the door and fell in front of my closet. I was digging through the bottom of old shoe boxes allowing the tears to fall down my face. I found it. I pulled out the Nike box with our pictures plastered all over it and placed it down on my pink carpet. I inhaled deeply and let the air in my lungs exit out of my mouth slowly and wiped wetness off of my face. I opened the box slowly and gasped. I haven’t looked through this box since we put everything in it when we were 12. There were concert tickets, pictures, friendship bracelets, post cards. You name it we kept it. We knew we wanted to treasure the time we had together, so that every time I needed her, I could just open the box and she would be right here in front of me.

She was beautiful. She had long dirty blonde hair, with these huge sky blue eyes and these long eye lashes you could walk on. She was perfect in every way before she got sick.

Losing her was the worst day of my life. She died May 21st 2008, we were 13. Louis was almost 18. She was not only my best friend, she was my sister. We did everything together, we were never apart. We had the 24/7, 365 friendship going for us. I remember like it was yesterday when we found out she was sick. We were 10 years old on spring break and like always we had our epic week long sleepover at her house, my parents were away on vacation. Alexis and Rick (Linds and Louis parents) thought she had a bad stomach virus because she couldn’t stop throwing up and she was running a very high fever. I had no choice but to stay, and if I had caught it, well then they would’ve taken care of me. But I never caught it. Louis was a senior and he had his two best friends over to sleep there for the weekend, Harry and Liam. Rick told them to go to Harry’s house for the night since Lindsey was sick.

After a few hours she had finally stopped throwing up, but what scared the living shit out of me was when Alexis was brushing her hair about to do her famous french pigtails on us a huge chunk of Lindsey’s hair came out on the brush. As soon as that happened the 4 of us rushed to the hospital. We were both crying but when we got into the back seat of the car I held her to calm her down. Rick and Alexis were silent the whole way there. 

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