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HIYA so this is just the intro to this story

I may update it from time to time but I wont be seriously updating it until I am finished with my other story 'Listen'

Once that story is over I will be regularly updating this

Please vote and comment your thoughts!

And I know lukes name isn't actually lucas its just part of the story!!!

Hugz and tickles



"Lucas?" I hear a rough voice echo off the church walls. I pull myself into a seated position, turning in the direction of the voice.


"Lucas, it is nearly dinner time, you may return when you are finished eating." My father eyes me, not waiting for me to follow as he exits the beautiful wooden doors. I sigh, taking one last look at the gorgeous molded ceiling before hurrying out.

I spend all of my free time in the church, being the church choir, helping organize donations and fundraisers and just lying in the benches, soaking in the peacefulness. I felt as if I was in my purest, happies state being in the church, being as close to God as I could be.

I tug on my polo, making sure to have all the buttons secure as I walk out. My house is right across the street of the small white building, the porch lights shining bright as the sun goes down. I take a moment, looking at the scattered clouds, purple, pink, and orange light shining behind them. I smile, taking my time to walk inside my brightly lit house. I crucifix hanging above the doorway I enter the dining room.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep dinner waiting." I apologize, taking my seat.

"Oh, it's alright love, we know you can sometimes just get lost when we're with God." My mother smiles lovingly.

"Let's pray." My father says, as we all take hands. I hear my younger sister huff in annoyance.

"This is stupid." She mumbles. I eye her as my father drops my hand.

"Excuse me?" he questions lowly. She fakes a smile.

"Oh, nothing Father." She spits, her voice dripping sarcasm. My sister had always had a different view on God, she didn't believe. Mother and I think it's because of her new 'friends'. She constantly is making rude comments about our religion, but it was mostly in front of me, never my parents. She would just make fun of me, calling me 'Jesus-freak' or 'prude'. I'm not quite sure what a prude is, but I'm guessing it wasn't good.

"How dare you speak badly about our Father." He says, surprised by her words.

"I'm not very hungry actually," she tosses her napkin on her plate, standing abruptly, "I'm too stuffed on bullshit." She begins to walk away before my father stands, exploding with anger.

"How dare you! There is no foul language in this house hold young lady! Now apologize and sit down, now." He says menacingly. My heart pounds as I watch the scene in front of me.

She gives another sarcastic smile; "Better yet, how about I lead us in prayer?" she sits down, grabbing my hand and our mother's. She closes her eyes, "Dear God whom does not exist, screw you for brainwashing half of the human race with your fictional story and false hope-" I yank my hand away from her, looking at her with wide eyes. "Lucas, we aren't done praying, this is very rude of you-"

"Why would you say those lies?" I breath.

"They are lying to you Lucas! God isn't real! He's just a made up old man so that people aren't scared of the truth! You want the truth? There is no heaven, when you die, that's it! There is no Heaven, there is no Hell, there is no reason for you to obsess over doing good and praying to something tht was never there-"

A loud clap is heard throughout the house as everyone falls silent. My mother puts a hand to her mouth, tears building in her eyes. My father's jaw drops and my sister clutches her reddening cheek. My hand shakes as I stare at it, still raised.

"Fuck you." She spits at me, eyes watering as she runs out. I look wide eyed to my parents as they just stare at me. I quickly follow her outside.

"Lily, Lily wait! I'm sorry!" I call out as I see her in the street. A larger boy has his arms wrapped around her, rubbing her back soothingly, his car still running.

"Lucas, just go away-"

"Lillian I am truly sorry, I-I never meant to hurt you, I d-don't know why I did it...I just got so angry. Why would you talk about Him in such a way?" I ask her in a confused tone.

"Listen, just leave her alone. I don't care who you are, you never hit a woman, you hear me?" the boy growls at me.

"Ashton, it's fine." She tells him, stepping closer to me.

"Lucas, you can't go on like this, you can't think that God is really up there...I'm sorry but all they have ever taught us is lies trust me, I wish it was true. I wish there was someone up there looking over me, and I with that I would enter a perfect kingdom when I die, but that's not realistic. You have to realize this."

"Stop it Lily, stop lying." My voice quivers. How could she say something like that? How dare she?

"Lily will be staying with me for a while, don't worry about her. She'll be fine." The boy, Ashton, pipes up. He holds out his arm for Lily, his sleeve riding up. I see the ink on his arm, swirled into a beautiful black rose.

"You're her soulmate." I breathe, looking up at him. Lily smiles at me, tugging up her sleeve as well. They hold their forearms next to each other, showing their matching tattoos. I smile back, pulling her in for a hug. Some people never meet their soulmates, she is so lucky to have found hers at such a young age. "I'm so sorry Lily." I mumble into her hair.

"It's okay, I know you didn't mean it." We pull away.

"I love you, stay safe."

She kisses me cheek, "I love you too, don't worry, I'll be back soon." She smiles lightly.

"Oh my God, can we wrap this up already?!" Someone calls from the car. I hear a door slam, turning to face the boy. His skin was like porcelain, eyes a striking shade of jade, hair blacker than night. He looked as though he had walked through the gates of Heaven. Dressed in black, like an angel, a dark angel.

"Ashton, can you please stop being mushy with your soulmate and get going? I have a curfew." He huffs, voice like silk. My heart felt as if it was going to beat out of my chest. He was breath taking.

"Okay Michael, we were just leaving." Ashton groans. Michael's eyes shift to me, his green orbs sparking.

"And who is this?" he smirks, making my chest tighten. He eyes me up and down, licking his pink lips.

"My brother." Lily says.

"L-Lucas." I stutter, my cheeks heating up. He moves closer as my breath hitches in my throat. He hums, our bodies nearly touching.

"Well, Luke, you are just stunning..." he trails off, eyes racking up and down my body again. His compliment seems completely genuine. He whispered it to me, so the others couldn't hear. My blush only got deeper. And he didn't smirk this time, he actually smiled.

"Um, i-it's Lucas." I correct him as he falls back, opening the car door. They all get in and Michael rolls down his window.

"Bye Luke." He gives me another devilish smirk before they drive off. I watch the car lights disappear, a new feeling erupting into my chest, making my finger-tips tingle.

I just prayed that wouldn't be the last time I saw Michael.

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