Chapter Four: Chemistry with Sebastian

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*Everest's POV*
Well here's to being grounded I thought as I climbed out of bed. I went down to the kitchen after a quick shower. Finn sat at the bar eating cereal. "Good morning." He ignored me.

Fine, ignore me.
I made my way over to the fridge and grabbed the milk, pouring myself a glass. I just had time to drink it when Florence came bursting through the front door. "Do you guys not check your phones anymore, or what?" "We got them taken away" I responded. She relaxed immediately, "Oh yeah. Well let's go else we are gonna be late." We all drudge towards the car. Something was off but I couldn't figure out what.

*Florence's POV*
The drive to school was torture, complete silence. I didn't know what to say because I wasn't in the best mood either.
God I wish I could skip today.
Everest jumped out of the car before I was finished parking and I watched her make her way to her first period. Finn sat in the drivers seat silently, I turned to him. "Hey, what's up?"
He stayed silent. "I know something is going on. If it's about the situation the other night, you didn't do anything wrong. We found her and nothing happened else she would have told us." I tried to comfort him even though I didn't feel comforted myself. I had this dreading feeling that things were just going to go downhill from here. Finn looked up at me, "You don't know that and the fact that I don't and she could be hurting is killing me. I can't fix it. I'll be fine though. Thanks for talking to me." He exited the car before I could respond.
I grabbed my backpack and started to class just as the bell rang.

*Finn's POV*
Entering the locker room, I followed my usual path to my locker. I turned the lock till I heard the familiar click. Taking out my sweats and t-shirt, I was in my own zone. Tucker tried to get my attention but I ignored him. I didn't feel like talking to him about pointless stuff this morning. Dressing quickly, I made my way outside to wait for roll call scrolling through my music creating a playlist. I ran into someone and my phone went flying. My annoyance was at its height. I grabbed my phone looking toward the person. My annoyance immediately melted when I saw who it was. "We really need to stop meeting like this" I stated to her. She smirked at me and replied "Not my fault you never watch where you're going."

Ouch this girls got sass

I stared at her for a minute. "So you never-" "No, I never did call you. Did I?" She interrupted me. "I wouldn't wait for the call either." She pushed by me, shouldering me out of the way.

What the hell did I do?

*Everest's POV*

I walked into chemistry dreading every step. Dumping myself into my seat with as much weight as possible, I ignored him sitting a mere foot away from me. The bell rang for class and I settled in to my seat, this felt like it was going to be a long period. The teacher droned about gas laws and stuff that I didn't see a need to learn. I felt something hit me on my arm. Glancing over, I saw a small little paper ball resting on the floor. I looked at Sebastian who was staring at the teacher smirking. I turned back to the teacher. After about 10 more little paper balls I turned to him and whispered, "Cut it out!" He passed me a note. It read:

How did you enjoy my bed?

I gasped and the students at the lab tables in front and behind us turned their heads to stare at me. Sebastian chuckled into his arm. I scribbled a note back and my face turned red as thoughts raced through my mind

I thought he had said nothing happened! Did he lie to me? He took advantage of me in my drunken state.

I ignored him the rest of the class even though he continued to poke my side. I counted the minutes till I could escape him. With less than a minute left of class he leaned over and chuckled "You're decent in bed." My face turned rosy right as the bell rang. I grabbed my backpack and booked it out of class.

*Florence's POV*
First one at the lunch spot sucks. I sat there waiting for Finn and Everest, nervously tapping my foot against the pavement.

I hope she doesn't come over here today

I thought to myself standing there. Luck was not on my side, she turned the corner almost immediately. I quickly turned to leave before she saw me, but I was too late. "Where do you think you're going, freak?" She joked, coming to a stop a few feet behind me with her two followers no doubt. I turned around slowly not wanting to deal with this today. "Getting away from the stench you call perfume, Jade." I smiled with the most fake smile I could.
"Ha! You think you're so funny. Where's your friends?" She chided. "They're on their way and a matter of fact I think I'm down right hilarious." I countered.

She smirked and twirled her hair,staring at me like a play thing she was bored with. Flanked by her two friends who were glaring at me, she gingerly picked my milk up from the table and poured it down my front. "Oops! Did I do that?" Her innocent face made me want to gag, the way her smile had a devilish side and her posse were perfectly in tune with her laugh. I wasn't gonna let some small stupid gesture like that get me too upset. I was angry that she thought she could treat me this way. "What have I ever done to you in the 10 years that I've known you, Jade? We even used to be friends until you ditched me for these two blonde-haired bimbos! I'm tired of you picking on me just cuz I'm not as fortunate as you are!" I advanced on her. She looked taken aback and then:


My face exploded with pain as her hand recoiled. I cradled it as I turned my face towards her again, eyes filling with tears. "You're right, Florence. You are too pathetic to be my friend. At least I have parents that aren't separated and actually care about my life. Why don't you go off yourself in some public restroom like the rest of the emotionally unstable kids at this school?" She turned and bobbed away. The kids around stared at me as she left.

I know my life is shit and the only reason I'm alive is because of Finn and Everest, but she doesn't need to remind me that i'm not good enough. I get enough of that at home. I stared after her in disbelief and then quickly turned to gather my stuff as hot tears blinded me. I fumbled everything together and took off before the kids could catch me crying.

*Finn's POV*
I hope Florence is okay.. I wonder where she was at lunch...
Walking to my final class of the day, I couldn't help but feel a little weird. Everest and I had looked for her for a while and eventually gave up since we couldn't txt her because we got our phones taken away!

I entered class and bee lined for my seat. I sat down and got out my books. "Hey, Finn! You meet the new girl? I heard she's smoking" Todd asked me, making crazy eyes and raising his eyebrows seductively. "Yeah I have and she's alright I guess" I didn't feel like talking about her after the incident this morning. "Alright? Damn that's a disappointment," Todd's face fell "You ready for practice?" I didn't want to answer so I stayed silent. The teacher started class promptly and we fell silent for the most part to my advantage. Half-way through the class, as I'm staring at the clock, the classroom door opens and the girl waltzed inside. I immediately started paying attention as she talked to the teacher and then made her way over to my side of the room. I held my breath and she passed and sat behind me. Todd looked at me and winked and I rolled my eyes back at him. I sunk lower in my sit as the class continued.

The teacher kept droning about the senate and how it is upheld when I felt a tug on my hair. I flipped around and came face to face with the girl. "I never did get a name." I breathed. She smirked back at me, "I like your hair. My name's Alex. Nice to meet you." She held out her hand in mock respect. I shook it replying, "Pleasure to make your acquaintance." I flashed her a toothy smile and she ignored it. As I turned back around I could hear her moving around in her chair, and a few minutes later I felt a tug on my hair again.

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 01, 2016 ⏰

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