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I awoke to the sound of my phone ringing and my alarm clock going off. What did I do to deserve this? I questioned myself as I grabbed my phone from my bedside table. "Hello?" I answered the phone. "Woke up on the wrong side of the bed did we?" Florence asked. "More like I haven't woken up yet." I replied. "Well get up and get ready! I'm outside your house waiting! Finn's already down here." She said before quickly hanging up. I ran to the window and peeked out seeing them leaning up against her forest green lifted Rubicon Jeep. I glared at them and they just smiled. I hurried to get ready not bothering to put on makeup or anything! "So what do we want to do on our last day before summer ends?" Finn asked with a laugh. We all pondered the question while we climbed into the car. "I don't know, something exciting before we have to go back to a routine lifestyle." I commented. "Let's go to a nude beach!" Florence suggested smirking. We all broke out into laughter and decided to just go to a normal beach for the day.


After a long day at the beach we returned to our house. "Well, that was fun" I said, "until Finn tried to chase us into the water!" I added,punching him in the arm. "Maybe you shouldn't act like a little girl all the time!" He said smirking and rubbing his arm where I hit him. Florence chimed in with "Maybe you shouldn't of screamed like one when Ev tackled you in the water." I asked Florence if she wanted to stay the night and she agreed. That night we had a Harry Potter movie marathon and stayed up all night laughing and talking.

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