Chapter Three: What the Hell?

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*Florence's POV*
I awoke with a jolt. Wow, last night was crazy. I really shouldn't have drank so much. I took a look at my surroundings. Wait, where was I? I scratched my head. I'm still at the party. I jumped up and froze awaiting a throbbing in my head. Nothing came. At least I don't have a hangover. I need to find Finn and Ev. I made my way downstairs. The house was trashed. Peoples sleeping bodies were strewn around the room along with red solo cups. It was eerily quiet. I started to pick my way through the sea of faces searching. I found Finn near the counter. I stepped forward and crunched someone's hand. They moaned.

Oops! "Sorry, man." I whispered and gingerly stepped over his body. I shook Finns shoulder. "Finn!" I whisper shouted at him. "Wake up!" His eyes fluttered open, his pupils adjusting to the light. "Ow... What are we still doing here?" He groaned, rolling onto his side and closing his eyes again. "Wake up you little Turd, or I will personally purple nurple you." I threatened him. "Geez! Okay! I'm getting up" I smiled triumphant. He sat up slowly. "Wait. Today's Friday. We still have school" he realized.

Shit! We're screwed.

"We didn't even go home. Your parents are gonna kill us if they find out where we were."
He looks at me bug-eyed. "They're gonna kill us for skipping school on the second day." We looked at each other and cringed. "We need to find Ev so we can figure out a plan. I'm gonna call her." "Sure thing, Nemo. Don't you remember? I took her phone so she wouldn't drunk txt anyone." He sighed, standing up. "Then let's get looking!"

*Everest's POV*
My head throbbed as I opened my eyes.
You shouldn't of drank so much! You're an idiot!
I didn't want to move. My whole body ached. I threw back the covers and instantly froze. I glanced down at myself, noticing the oversized shirt I was wearing and the foreign dark blue covers of the bed.

Where the fuck am I? Don't you dare say that you were stupid enough to to go home with someone.. Shit!

I did a quick search for my clothes and couldn't find them. I needed to find my phone. A yawn came from behind me and I froze again. I slowly turned to see a guy sitting up in bed. "Good morning, beautiful." I screamed before a strong hand was clamped over my lips. "Shut up! Someone's gonna hear you."

That's sort of the point of screaming I thought, but didn't say because his hand was still covering my mouth. He waited a second and let out a breath that caressed my face. "Promise you won't scream?" I nodded in understanding and he slowly let me free. I whirled around "what the hell am I doing here?" I recognized him as Sebastian, the guy from Zbin's class. He looked at me with amusement, "You don't remember, vomit comet?" I cringed at the name. I thought for a second. The party last night. I couldn't remember specifics. "The party last night?" I asked. "Yeah. You tried to kiss me after throwing up. I was gonna take you home but you fell asleep and I have no clue where you live, so I brought you to my place." He answered with a shrug. My heart was beating and I was pretty sure I was blushing a little. I hope to God nothing happened. He seemed to read my mind, "No, nothing happened. You tried to instigate something and I sent you to bed. That's my shirt because you didn't want to wear your clothes to bed. You changed yourself. I haven't touched you." He said something under his breath. "What did you say?" I narrowed my eyes. He shrugged. I was annoyed with myself.

This is why you don't drink. Stupid Florence and Finn. Stupid pact we made.

I remembered Florence and Finn. They're probably looking for me. I focused back to Sebastian and noticed him looking me over. Glancing down again, I noticed how much skin was exposed. I put one arm around myself self-consciously. "Do you have my phone then?" His eyes darted to my face for a second. "Uh and why would I have that?" So I assumed he didn't have it. I need to contact them and let them know I'm safe. "Can I borrow your phone?" He tosses his phone at me. I dial Finns number. He picks up immediately.

"Where the Hell are you? We've been worried sick. Mom and Dad are gonna be pissed. It's already noon and we skipped school!" He rambled on. "Finn! I'm fine. This guy took me to his house-" I started but he interrupted. "A guy took you home! Oh my God! This is my fucking fault! I'm sorry Ev! Please forgive me. I told you that I'd look after you and look what happened. What a shitty brother I am."
"No, it's fine. Nothing happened," I said and looked up to catch Sebastian listening. "I forgive you. We both got a little out of control. Just come pick me up, okay?" I gave him the address and then hung up.

Sebastian walked over and sat beside me on the bed. "So was that your brother?" He asked me. I didn't want to answer. "Why did you take me anywhere? Why didn't you just leave me at the party?" I questioned him. His features twisted into a thinking face. He opened his mouth and closed it again. I couldn't help myself but laugh. "What?" He stopped and looked at me. "What's so funny?" I tried to hold it in but my laughter kept escaping, "you look like a gasping fish." I finally managed. He wasn't amused.

His features turned serious and I immediately stopped laughing. I didn't know this guy and he could easily overpower me. He was already a little too close for my liking. I decided to scoot a little away from him on the bed. "What?" He asked again. "Why are you scooting away?" He asked while scooting a little closer. What is this guys game? I scooted back while he scooted forward till I hit his headboard. I felt trapped as he came even closer. He searched my face with his piercing blue eyes and then slowly leaned towards me. I realized he was gonna kiss me and my reflexes kicked in, slapping him in the face. He jolted back from the force of my hand. Then he laughed. My heart was beating so fast. Just because he may be attractive gives him no right to touch me. He came closer once again, this time leaning in to my ear, "don't touch me again or else." He threatened, his hot breath dancing on my skin. I raised my hand to slap him again.

How dare he threaten me.

He grabbed my wrist easily and pushed me down so that both of his hands were holding my arms in place. "You're attractive, you know that?" His breath hot against my face. He was close. Way too close. I could feel his body against mine. It was both exciting and scary. I tried to wriggle away. He let me go and walked to his window. "You're cute when you squirm." He stated to the view. I sat up slowly. "You're a dickhead." He smirked "Feisty too? I like that." Before I could answer, the doorbell sounded. I bolted up and reached for the handle of his bedroom door. "Your clothes are in the bathroom. Down the hall and to the right." He said as I left the room.

After changing as quickly as I could and rushing to the front door, I was greeted by a worried Florence and a mad Finn. "Where's the guy that brought you here?" Finn demanded. I told him that he was upstairs and that I just wanted to leave. Florence gave me a tight squeeze, "I was worried sick!" Finn searched my face. I pulled away from her. "What's wrong?" He asked. I tried to avoid his eyes and started for the car,"Absolutely nothing." They both turned and followed me to the car. "I can tell something's wrong. Did he touch you? If he touched you, I will personally kick his ass." He growled. "Calm your testosterone, boy" Florence waved him off. I honestly loved when she did that. She could always tell when I didn't want to talk about something, but I knew she would pressure it out of me eventually. I smiled at them both "Guys, I'm fine. Thank you for coming and getting me. Now what's the plan, Nemo?" I finished. Florence immediately went into a whole spiel about how we all got abducted by aliens. Finn rolled his eyes. I laughed, distracted by the thought about how I was gonna deal with being lab partners with Sebastian.

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