Ch. 3 Chill Yo

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(Chuck in MM)

We get dropped off at my house and I quickly run to my room and shower. I get and put on some shorts socks and a tshirt. I go down stairs to see that shay got all four blunts rolled already.

"Okay babe fire up this guy so I clean up a bit."

She did as she was told and lit a blunt. I turn the music on while we smoke and I clean. Black Heaven by lil boosie was on that's my heat.

"What you know bitch!" Shai gets up a we start singing along with the song.

Minutes and two blunts later I'm done cleaning and now cooking. I hear knocking at the door. I walk in the living room this bitch just sitting hear zoned like she don't hear it.

"Bitch you ain't that high you could have answered the door." Ole lazy ass.

I opened the door to see Chuck and hammer.

"Hey y'all" I say as I let them in.

"Damn yall smoking and cooking?" Chuck said

"Well I'm cooking and we only smoked two blunts nothing serious." I reply nonchalantly going into the kitchen and they followed.

"Cuz I got that gas for y'all." he said pulling out 4 blunts.

"Oowwee Yass, Fire it up." And he does so.

Hours later we are all stuck and I almost burned the food but I didn't lol. We was shonuf grubbing though, I had made a baked spaghetti with shrimp and sausage in it. Talking about bussin' bruh that shit was all the way good.

"That shit was good as'l mayne." Chuck said. he then pointed over to hammer who had his head down on the table sleep. "Dis nigga." he said laughing.

All three of us laughed and left hammer in the kitchen and went in the living room.

"Zany you did that meal boo." said shai

"Thanks I try."

"Well cuz Ima head out and handle some business can I come back later?" Chuck said

"Um sure don't forget yo homeboy tho."

"Man dat nigga in there slump on the table. Just let him stay cuz please."

"Okay nigga only because it's a free day tomorrow and you taking me shopping." I said smirking

"Man what when I said dat." he said shocked

"When I agreed to let homeboy sleep here." I said in a matter of fact way

"Man aight I'll be back later gimme yo key." he said and I gave him a spare.

"Aye let me catch a ride home." shai said and he nodded approving.

"Alright boo be safe you to cuz see yall later." and they left.

I closed the door and went in the kitchen to clean up before bed. I start washing dishes when I feel a presence behind then they wrapped their arms around me. I got scared but then realized that it was hammer. Shit i forgot he was here. I shrug him off and continued the dishes.

" Boy what you want?" I said a little irritated

"My bad ma just wanted to see if you needed help."

"Oh naw you good just wipe the counters and sweep." I said and he nodded

We got through with the kitchen and living room and i was ready for a shower.

"So i assume you staying? I asked.

"I guess so till bruh comes back."

"Well towels, soap and all that is in the closet and I guess you can sleep in the guest room." I said

"Okay that's wassup." he said taking of his shirt. His chest was sculpted so perfect and his abs were carved to perfection with his happy trail leading into his basketball shorts.

I was in such a daze that I didn't notice that he was tying to get my attention.

"Aye yo ma!" Yelled hammer

"W-what, wassup?" I said snapping out my daze.

"Yo you good you was out of it a little." he said smirking, this nigga know what he doing.

"Yea umm ima be in my room if you need me. " I said leaving and going into my room

I start the shower and strip my clothes getting in. I let the water wash over my body as the stress and dirt of the day goes down the drain. I start to lather my body in my Bath & body works "Mad About You" body wash twice and rinse off. I get out and lotion my body and spray(A/N idk why I spray after showers at night it's just a habit) on the matching set that can with the body wash. I put on some lazy gray joggers, no underwear, and a white shirt. I look at the clock and notice it's like ten so I decided to go downstairs to watch some Netflix.

Like five minutes into the movie hammer enters the room.

"Can I join you?" He asked as he plopped on my sofa.

"Boy don't be plopping on my sofa and i don't care."

"Why so feisty bae." He said rubbing my thigh and moan at his touch but bring it back to reality.

"I told you bout that bae shit and I'm not feisty." I said removing his hand.

"Yes you are yo mouth hard shit yo!" He said slightly irritated.

"Okay if it is take yo tall lanky ass out my crib nigga!"

"Yo who you talking to bruh?!" He said grabbing my neck roughly.

"You bitch! Got life fucked up!" I said making us fall in the floor while hitting him.

He somehow got on top of me in between my legs and had my hands pinned above my head.

"Get off witcho whack ass." I said struggling to break free but getting turned on at the same time.

" Chill yo." he said leaning down. Before I know it we were having a intense make out session.

We soon stopped and were looking into each other's eyes. He said the three little words I been wanting to say all day.

"Can we fuck?" He said in a whisper.

"Hell fucking yea!" I moaned out kissing his lips.


Tbc .......

So yea I know it's been long but I been looking for a job and finally got one so yea. I'll try and update more for you guys just keep on doing what you do.

-So what do y'all think about the heated session?

-Sex scene or nah?

-How do you feel about the characters?




Thanks Bunches

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