Chapter 1: The Dreaded Pictures

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Krys's P*O*V

A little over six months ago my best friend, Claire, asked me to be her maid of honor in her wedding. Of course I said yes, she is my best friend after all. What I didn't expect was for her to tell me that I would be walking down the isle with Niall's best man, Liam, whom I have never met. That made me a little nervous! Claire and I have been best friends for as long as I can remember! Through thick and thin she's had my back, so of course I'm going to have hers. Now here I stand, in a tent, in the middle of a park, looking at my reflection in the mirror. My long blonde hair is in a perfect curly bun with little flowers all over in it and the gorgeous dark purple dress I have on that comes just above my knees fits my figure perfectly. Claire really does know how to make a girl feel beautiful.

"Deep breath Krys! This isn't even your wedding, why on earth are you nervous!! Hell this isn't even the wedding yet, it's just pictures!!"

With one last deep breath and one last glance in the mirror to make sure I look presentable I step out of the tent to meet the person I will spend the next six weeks finishing up wedding plans with! The thought alone terrifies me. Not even realizing how lost in though I was, I am finally snapped out of my daze by Claire pulling on my arm.

"Krys, this is Liam, Niall's best friend, and the person you will basically spend every moment with for the next six weeks making sure we don't lose our minds!!" Claire had a bright cheesy smile on her face but I could tell she was serious, and that scared me a little. I had barely survived her boy drama in high school.

Once I finally look up at Liam and get a good look at him, I am shocked! He is gorgeous! I know that sounds weird because he's a guy but it's true! He is the best looking man I have ever laid eyes on, and I work in the fashion industry, so trust me, I've seen plenty of good looking men.

"Hi, you must be the lovely Krystyna I have heard so much about." His thick British accent about brought me to my knees.

"Oh, you can call me Krys. Everyone else does!" I chuckle while shaking his hand.

"Really? I quite like Krystyna. It has a very princess like ring to it, and trust me I'm a Disney fanatic!" His smile was enough to make a grown man cry. AND HE LIKES DISNEY.

"Well then, I might just have to make an exception for you!" If my smile doesn't give away the fact that I'm trying to flirt then he has the mind of a rock.

"I am quite honored to hear that." Nope, not a rock, he's smart!

"KRYYYYYYS!!!!!!" Claire was having a breakdown. Super-friend to the rescue I guess. With a small chuckle and a shake of my head I bid a very scared looking Liam farewell as I went to find who ever pissed my best friend off and kill them! Don't they know she's already like Satan's spawn!! Why would you make her mad!!

Liam's P*O*V

She's amazing! I have talked to her for a total of four minutes and know nothing but her name, but she is amazing. The way she is sassy yet flirty all in one is quite refreshing, especially after dealing with nothing but stick in the mud girls who have zero personality. How has Ni never introduced us before. These next six weeks are going to be amazing if I get to spend them with that little fire cracker! I just hope I am ready for what is coming my way.


And I really hope I can handle the temper that comes with Claire. That girl may be only 5"3 but she's about as scary as lucifer himself. Once when she got drunk and her and Niall got into a fight she threw a glass vase right at his head, flowers and all!!

Going to see what happened, I see a very angry looking Krys, and an even more upset looking Claire. If looks could kill the poor fool that knocked over the tent would be six feet under by now. I thought Claire was scary, but Krys definitely had her beat right now.

"So before whoever made the mess is killed, what happened?" I asked stepping in behind Krys and softly placing my hand on the small of her back in hopes to calm her down.

"Roger over there was setting up the tent and it fell. Happens all the time, but it's slowing things down." Some worker I didn't know the name of said.

" Fucking Roger." Claire mumbled under her breath and both Krys and I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Well why don't we get back on schedule then?" I smile handing Krys my jacket so I can help set up and hopefully ease some of the stress off of the two girls. Rolling up my sleeves I get to work setting up the tent with the two other boys, and can't help but feel my pride swell when I catch Krys watching me as I work. I have a feeling I am going to like this girl very much before this wedding is over with.

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