2. Complicated

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Author's Note: It's official. I'm not good at drabbles. XD I break paragraphs too much, but when I try to avoid that it doesn't look right. Neither does the excess breaks, but what the fuck ever. Saïx/Isa has a lot to think about, and a hella lot of events to recall. Enjoy. :3 

If I owned Kingdom Hearts, I wouldn't be internally sobbing. ._."


Becoming second-in-command for Organization XIII was something I had my eyes on as my plan with Lea, at the time Axel, emerged. To take over the Organization, we needed some power over the people around us. Axel said he would rather not bother going up the ladder, and so I took lead. There are times I regret I did. But now I realize it was never a good idea; unfortunately for me I was doomed either way.


I worked my ass off, day and night. I did the best I could, as polite as I could be, as calm as I would ever act. It was all to rise to the top, and at the time I became satisfied for the choices have been made. No matter what, however, I never liked going near Xemnas.

"VII. You have been an excellent addition to the Organization." Xemnas smirked as he said that. Every day he took in account of all of my actions... I wondered how much he knew. Well, he told me how much, and it did not make me happy. Xemnas got up from his chair, not bothering to push it into the desk again. I felt a wave of worry tackle my mind as he approached me. He raised his hand, and started to softly trace the to lines of my wretched scar repeatedly. The scar carved into my face was his doing; that was information that was kept between me, him, and his true second.

"But... I know of your treason." ... Fuck. That information itself ruined me. He must of knew of the uncertainty held within my breath, and that made him overjoyed with confidence. Damn bastard knew my silent fight for power with him. And he won.

"Saïx~" Xemnas cooed like he was talking to a child, obviously enjoying the fact my blood was boiling. His eyes flashed with anger and hate that almost made me cower. My "Superior" pushed me to the wall, grabbing a hold of my neck. "You are a hardworking member; I would hate to deal with your treason in an inhumane manner." You know nothing about being humane... let go of me. Please."The treason can be forgotten as a mere memory, VII. Forget all those emotions you have been trying to gain for now. They mislead you..."

I finally speak up, despite the knowledge that his hand's already iron-grip on my neck could tighten in a second. "I do not understand..." I really do not understand. How can the Organization's cause mislead me? "Have I not served you well, Superior?"

Xemnas let out a dark chuckle, one I knew would not bode well for me. His grip on me disappeared, his arms crossing. Thank gods...

"You have indeed served me and the Organization well, but not enough. Soon enough, my vessel..." Vessel?! "... You will see how it is to serve for something much bigger. You are dismissed, Saïx." He turned away from me, walking back to his desk. I still felt his hand's force on my neck, even though it was physically gone. I nodded curtly, walking out of the room. I dismissed the incident as a mere mind trick; a way for him to mess with my mind so I would submit to his power.

If only I wasn't so ignorant... then I would of realized how complicated being Xemnas's second was truly going to be. 

~ saιx/ιsa drabble; Kingdom Hearts ~  Kaleidoscope EyesWhere stories live. Discover now