1: Introduction

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Author's note: This is in Isa's point of view for KH 3D.

The times I use are random, but I will keep it as canon as I can. Most times will be during:

358/2 Days


KH3- After Story

I will rarely do KH II and Birth By Sleep, but maybe RECALL to events that happened in those games that indeed involved Saïx/Isa.


They say don't judge a book by its cover.

But may you judge it by its past?

To think that someone would care to admire the simplicity known as an introduction. A mere introduction to a mere story that gives me the uneasy feeling that goes through my spine. The unpleasant feeling when the hair on your neck stands on end, and it feels like you are in a room with a brick wall blocking the only exit.

I do not know how to open up to others by speech. So I will do it in another way. Perhaps it is less or more interesting. You'll never know until you try. 

It is true; I have done many things I am not proud of. I can't redeem myself... I deserve the execution I am surely going to get. But before I even try to say I am satisfied with death.... I will at least do something so I am reletively satisfied with life. As hard as that is. I will record every happy memory I can think of. Every laugh. Every embrace.

Every lie. Every unanswered question.

Every mistake.

For this is my story, and I will tell it. One way or the other.

I am Isa, no matter what that bastard says to me. I am me. This is my introduction.

~ saιx/ιsa drabble; Kingdom Hearts ~  Kaleidoscope EyesWhere stories live. Discover now