Parent drama ☽

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Parent drama ☽

☾ Jacob

I'm not surprised to walk into the house to hear my parents arguing.

"Why are you so damn stubborn?" My dad questioned my mom while they stood face to face in the kitchen.

"Why the hell are you so damn stupid!" My mom snapped back with her hands on her hips.

I groaned catching their attention.

It's like this almost everyday. Different arguments over different stupid things.

"Jacob what are you doing home so late?" My mom asked with a worried look on her face.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm surprised you guys noticed with all the arguing you two have been doing." I replied back smartly.

"Listen Jacob, just stay in your place. We're going through some things right now and we don't need you mixed in with this." My dad said sternly.

"Well this effects me too so I can't stay in my place. You two have been going at it like wild animals and I can't stand it." I explained it.

My mom walked over to me and wrapped her arm around me.

"Aww baby. We never knew you felt like this." She said rubbing my back up and down.

I looked down not even bothering to look at her or him.

"Jacob this doesn't concern you at all so go up to your room while your mom and I settle this." My dad instructed making me look up at him.

My dad always did have trouble letting things go and it has caused a lot of bad things to happen. I'm not staying here if he wants to continue to act like a child.

"How about I leave so I don't have to hear y'all stupid ass argument." I said before walking over to the door.

My mom tried to grab my arm but I just snatched it back and walked out of the door.


I picked up several rocks before throwing them up at her window.

A couple of seconds later her lights came on and she peeked out the window.

I smiled and waved up at her.

She then opened the window.

"Jacob, what are you doing out there at this time of the night?" She asked tiredly while wiping her eyes.

She looks adorable when she's sleepy.

"My parents were arguing and I don't want to be around that so can I come up?" I asked her hoping she would say yes.

"Okay but go to the front door to get in." She stated with a small smile.

I nodded my head before walking around her house to get to the front door.

Once I made it to the door it was already opened and Karmella is standing there with her arms opened.

I walked into her arms and wrapped mine around her lower back area.

"Are you okay?" She whispered in my ear.

I shook my head.

"I've been better but it's whatever." I replied back.

She nodded her head. "Okay carry me." She said wrapping her legs around my waist.

"You're such a big baby." I told her making her giggle a little bit.

I tightened my grip on her waist before taking her to her room.

"I'm your big baby though." She said kissing my forehead.

"Yeah you're right."

I laid her in her bed before taking off my shirt showing my chest.

I laughed once she couldn't keep her eyes off of me.

"What?" I asked her laying next to her in the bed.

"Nothing." She said before turning over.

I pulled her into me and kissed her cheek.

"Goodnight baby." I mumbled closing my eyes.

"Goodnight." I heard her say before I fell asleep.

I could get use to sleeping with her.

Jacob in MM 😍

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Xoxo - msfanfictional ❤️

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