Part 167

694 66 23

Which Band Member Gives You a Massage

(Your Zodiac Sign)


Aries: Ashton

Taurus: Luke

Gemini: Michael

Cancer: Calum

Leo: Michael

Virgo: Ashton

Libra: Calum

Scorpio: Ashton

Sagittarius: Luke

Capricorn: Luke

Aquarius: Calum

Pisces: Michael



Aries: Liam

Taurus: Louis

Gemini: Louis

Cancer: Harry

Leo: Niall

Virgo: Harry

Libra: Niall

Scorpio: Liam

Sagittarius: Niall

Capricorn: Harry

Aquarius: Liam

Pisces: Louis


comment what you got!! I got Ashton and Liam :D

So in Australia Ashton is 21! Happy Birthday Ash, love you so so so so much!

the boys are getting older and I'm just gonna cry and watch fetus videos today and tomorrow and all the way to Luke's birthday

so I've seen this challenge on Twitter - the don't judge challenge I believe? I'm not entirely sure of what the concept is, but I do not is that people are defining a unibrow, acne, etc. to be ugly which is not true. Those features should not be defined as ugly -- if anything I think they are beautiful features.

I don't like it when people have a physical standard for what's ugly --- it angers me really, bc a lot of times people can't help for what they look like.

Basically those videos are telling me that if I had a unibrow I'd be "ugly" and I'm really offended.

idk. again, not sure what's going on so I could be wrong. just my opinion

QOTC: what song are you currently listening to?

my answer: Paint Me Black by Ben Hazlewood feat. Mali Koa Hood (yassss)

love you xx

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