Part 166

699 68 70

Which Band Member Gives You Free Concert Tickets to His Concert

(Your Zodiac Sign)


Aries: Luke

Taurus: Michael

Gemini: Calum

Cancer: Luke

Leo: Ashton

Virgo: Calum

Libra: Michael

Scorpio: Ashton

Sagittarius: Luke

Capricorn: Ashton

Aquarius: Calum

Pisces: Michael



Aries: Louis

Taurus: Harry

Gemini: Louis

Cancer: Niall

Leo: Niall

Virgo: Liam

Libra: Harry

Scorpio: Louis

Sagittarius: Liam

Capricorn: Niall

Aquarius: Harry

Pisces: Liam


comment what you got!! I got Luke and Louis :D

Sunday's are always lazy days for me :P

thank you guys if you checked out my texting 5SOS book --- I really appreciate it!!

oh my god I can't wait to get my drivers' license and get a car so I can go anywhere I want so I don't have to be this bored and tired.

I'm planning to dye my hair soon yesss

QOTC: name ten facts about you

my answer: hmm...

1. My middle name is Lissette

2. I'm 15

3. I have an obsession with pizza, oreos, and Nutella so if you buy me any of those I will literally love you forever

4. my last name consists of two capital letters and an apostrophe

5. I support the LGTB community 100% bc you all are beautiful humans that deserve to be treated beautifully and respectfully ❤️

6. I believe that everyone is beautiful on the outside but I base beauty on your personality - so to me, being ugly is when you bully another person or put someone down for your own enjoyment. I think it's sick. :/

7. I have played the recorder and the violin (it was mandatory tho) and I was shit at it

8. I dream of being a writer or being in a band someday

9. I don't really talk much unless I'm comfortable with you - I'm really shy bc I'm afraid someone will be rude to me and I'm really sensitive

10. My name is Isabella but you can call me Bella or Izzy if you want :)

love you xx

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