Chapter 11

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A/N I've got a few days left until school starts and then my parents are going to receive my report and I might get grounded because of my Maths grade which means no more wattpad for a while :-( but yet again none of that might happen if they're in a good mood so pray for me! Anyways comment and vote maybe that could bring me some luck.

P.S don't forget to share this book!

P.P.S The verse for Ella's song is Ariana Grande's Why Try (I'm not a good song writer)


After Peter's game I decided to take a long nap considering how much sleep I actually got this morning. As I drifted into the sea of dreams song lyrics kept flowing through my head causing me to mumble some of the words. Eventually, I opened my eyes and stomped over to my desk to jot down the lyrics into my journal.

I've been living with Devils and Angels...

I scratch out some words, replacing them with ones that make more sense and rhyme better with the other words. Jotting down my thoughts and feelings is my relief but lately I've been so occupied with Caleb that I haven't had any time. It feels good.

A hour or two pass before my mother breaks me out of my deep thoughts.

"Peters soccer team are having a victory barbecue and you my darling daughter shall join us," she smiles before edging closer to me. "You're writing again."

I nod. "I needed to get my feelings out and the lyrics just kept coming."

My mother nods and exits my room. I look at my lyrics and sigh. After a quick shower and change of clothes I head downstairs to meet up with the rest of my family. Once everyone piles into the car we begin to drive to the park.

We get to the park. Peter runs up to his soccer friends and Kale seems focused on his phone just humming along to what Mom says. My dad squeezes my shoulder before walking over to join the dads who are getting the meat ready to eat. My mother eventually realizes that Kale is not listening so she joins the rest of the moms who are laughing about something and as for me I just walk over to the swing set and look up at the sky.

I whip my head to the side when I hear the swing besides make a sound. Kale is sitting there, staring off into space.

"Why do you hate me, Kale?" I ask my older brother. He sighs as if the weight of the world is on my shoulders.

"I don't hate you, Cindy," he simply says.

"Really? It sure seems like it." Kale looks at me. His eyes seem less blue and he seems more pale.

"I love you, Cinder but I'm just a stupid idiot so please don't think I hate you plus I really screwed up." He rests his head in his hands.

"What did you do?" Kale always screws up but right now he seems so...far? He seems to be in another world.

"Cindy, I got her pregnant." I gasp at his confession.

"Who?" I ask.

He's about to answer but Caleb interrupts us.

"Ella! Kale! My two favorite Williams!" I roll my eyes, about to leave but Caleb grabs ahold of my arm. "I just want to talk not insult you."

"What do you want to talk about?" He thinks for a moment.

"I want to talk about...I don't know! People normally just make conversation!" He throws his arms up in the air, exasperated.

"So...start the conversation."

"No, you start," he says. We take a seat on the swings again. Kale seems to have left when we were bickering.

"Fine, do you like Aubrey?" My sudden confidence surprises me. I am never this straight forward.

"What do you mean, of course I like her, we're dating," he laughs.

"I asked if you like her for her not because you're dating her." Sometimes boys can really tick me off, they never answer your questions they always beat around the bush.

"Well, I guess I like her." He's so unsure but I decide to just leave him alone and swing back and forth.

"Cinderella Williams you are certainly not what I made you out to be," Caleb says, breaking the peaceful silence.

"What do you mean?" He laughs.

"You're funny and weird, but in a good way and you don't seem to care what others think of you. It's weird because to people like me what people think of you is important but I don't really think I care anymore."

Should I be angry because he called me weird or happy that he complimented me? I was so confused but that is always what my state of mind seems to be when I'm around Caleb, confusion. I make some weird sound between a laugh and cough causing Caleb to look at me with an amused look.

"Well, Mr Valley you're wrong because I care a lot about what people think of me and how is being weird a good thing?" I question.

"Ella, you are one of the worst liars I have met in all of my eighteen years," Caleb laughs. "You're weird because you're different, different than other girls."

I look at Caleb, bewildered. He just smiles and looks up at the sky.

"You and Ritali of course." Of course. "Hey, you wanna see something?"

I nod. Caleb's eyes shine with excitement as he pulls me into the woods at the back of the park. We run, jumping every once in a while when we see a fallen branch. The leaves and twigs crunch beneath me and my weight compresses them. Caleb and My laughter mixes together with the light breeze.

"Caleb! Hold on! Some of us...aren't," I huff. My joints are aching and my lungs burn from all the running. My breathing falters and I try to synchronized my breaths. I feel like falling to the ground.

"You need to really exercise, Ella," Caleb says.

"Are you calling me fat?" I ask, once I've caught my breath.

Caleb laughs and walks to me. I stare at him waiting for him to do something and when he finally does he throws me over his shoulder and begins to walk.

"Caleb! Where are you going?" I can feel my blood flow all the way to my head and the bouncing isn't helping.

"Shh! You talk to much!" I laugh. It's funny how that exact line is used in various movies and then the characters end up making out but I really don't think that'll happen now.

A few minutes later Caleb sets me down onto the ground. My vision is whirling.

"I think I'm going to be sick," I groan. Caleb laughed and sits down next to me.

"This is where I come to think."

It's a open patch, there's one tree in the middle which we are leaned up against and the sky is clearly visible. It seems peaceful so I understand how he likes it here.

"It's so peaceful," I smile.

Caleb has a small smile on his lips which turns into a smirk. He turns to look at me. I give him a warning glare but Caleb's smile just seems to get larger. He raises up his hands indicating that he's going to tickle me.

"Jokes on you because I'm not even ticklish," I lie.

Caleb doesn't seem to care so he begins to tickle me. I lay on the ground laughing trying to push Caleb off of me but he doesn't budge. After I am basically weeping in laughter Caleb stops.

"You're so beautiful," he says, staring into my eyes. I blush and he begins to lean in.

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