Gale Hawthorne

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Gale is Katniss' best friend and partner in hunting for food. Although he isn't one of the tributes, he is in love with Katniss but hates when Katniss and Peeta fake their love. He survives the District 12 bombing and saves 800 others including prim and Katniss' mother.

Gale has three sibling and his father also died in the same mining accident like Katniss' father. He is 18 in the first movie. He is great with snares, bow and arrows, crossbows, and bombs.

Gale got caught illegally hunting turkey (hunting was illegal in Panem but Gale and Katniss did it secretly) and was whipped over 40 times in public by Romolus Thread.

Actor: Liam Hemsworth

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