Parents & Siblings

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"So how was the first day back?" asked my mom.

Lucy left right before my parents came home. My little sister, Janelle, soon came from her friends house. Ivy and Isaac came at different times.

Isaac is the oldest, then is Ivy. They're both ferturnal twins. They're 3 years older than me. So they're Juniors in high school.

Janelle is only 8. She's in 3rd grade. So I'm 5 years older than her.

I looked around the dinner table as nobody wanted to speak up. I stuffed a piece of chicken into my mouth as Janelle spoke up.

"My teacher said that we're going to learn how to do long division by the end of the year!" she squeaked.

"That's interesting. Now who else?" my dad asked as he glared at each of us. "Well, it seem like me and Ive's are the only juniors who don't have our licenses. Which sucks." Isaac confessed.

"Exactly! It's not fair. Why can't we start learning how to drive dad?" Ivy included, "start teaching us so we can at least get our permit."

Isaac and Ivy are ferturnal, but suprisingly they are very alike.

"Well that's why there's Drivers Ed. Sign yourself up and you two will start to learn." My mom informed.

"Well there's Janelle, Isaac, and Ivy. Now there's only one left. Ashton?"

"I'm not the-" I started.

"Ashton!" Dad glared at me to say something as if anything actually happened.

"Well, me and Lucy aren't in the same class. Like at all. Not even one class. But I did make a new friend. His name is Daniel."

"Ashton has a boyfriend. Ashton has a boyfriend. Ashton has a boy-" Janelle chanted.

"Don't you dare finish that sentence." I rolled my eyes as I continued. "He's new. He came all the way from Minnesota, so I offered to show him around school." I smiled at my awesome confidence.

"That's really nice of you Ashton. Im proud of you." my mom admitted.

"And turns out I got selected by the principal to be in a specific class where I get to tutor younger kids. Isn't that awesome! Ima practically be a teacher." My smile grew.

"That's really cool, Ash. I wish I could do that. But I'm stuck with learning guitar. It's still pretty cool. But I'd rather want to tutor the young ones." Ivy said.

I nodded as we each took another bite of our foods.


"Blue? Or Purple?" I said out loud as I looked at the different color swatches.

A dark blue would look nice. What about white? Too tumblr??

"Ugh. I can't do this. This is just to hard." I said as I jumped onto my bed. I grabbed a pillow from behind me and hugged it.

"Yup... Im single. And I'm proud. Oh god. Im so lame. Im cuddling a freakin pillow."

"And that is why we're gonna talk about guys." a voice from my door said.

I jumped up and threw my pillow off of my bed. "Ive's, dont scare me like that!" I admitted. she laughed and sat next to me.

"So like I said... Boys!" she giggled.

"What about them??" I asked uncomfortably.

"Well.... do you like anyone currently?" she asked.

"Well, yeah but-"

"Really? OHMYGOSH. Thank god. I really thought this convo was gonna go nowhere." she squealed, "Okay so who? Is he in your class? different school? one of our neighbors? do I know him? wait... what's his name?" she asked rapidly.

I sighed and decided to get comfortable. Well, I guess this is gonna take a while.

"Will Hassell." I said softly. I waited a while as she gasped.

"You mean Will ' Let me help you ' Will??" she asked. I shook my head very slowly. "ugh. He got very annoying at times just saying that."

When I was younger, his parents would be very busy. So his mom asked my mom if she could watch him sometimes. Will and I would play almost everyday and to thank everyone he would always offer to help with everything. That's one of the reasons I started liking him. He was very nice.

"Well, he's okay for you. He does seem like your kind of type. Which makes me wonder why you two aren't going out yet."

"Shut up."

"Okay, okay, fine. Now about me." I scoffed at her reply.

"Hey, you don't wanna talk about yourself. So we're gonna talk about me." she continued," So, it's the beginning if the year and you know there's always new kids." I nod.

"Well, there's this new guy. His name is Alex. I think. Well, yeah. He's cute and everything, but I think he's a player. He flirted with a lot if girls today. on his first day. And he didnt have the decency to flirt with me!" she scoffed," Can you believe that Ash!"

I nodded again, "uh, yeah I can. He probably doesn't even like you if he didnt flirt with you." she pouted. "So that sucks for you. Now get out of my room." I said as I pushed her off of my bed.


Ahhhhh... please don't hurt me!!!! it's not my fault tht I didn't update!!!

Actually it is my fault.

Well technically it wasnt.

Well it was.

Ahhh!! I don't even know!!! I just had writers block.i couldn't think of anything!!! sorry. and yes this is filler. a really short one. like the shortest I've EVER written. I'm sorry. so all I did was introduce the character a bit more. as in her siblings. Her parents... well I didnt want to introduce them like this.

Trust me they're going to be different. not stuck-up parents. don't know when ima update again like school is just so close by!! 😥😥😖😭

Anyways... answer to last chapters question: I can play the piano. I sing to myself... or to anyone that can hear me. but I'm like horrible, so thanks to my family who don't judge my singing!! but I wanna learn bass and guitar cuz... like yeah!!!


Well yeah... BYE!!!
-Liz :)

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