Remodeling & Guys

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"So how was your day?" Lucy asks as we headed over to my house.

"It was pretty good. You know math, Daniel, you not in my class." I explained.

"Crying in front Daniel." I muttered under my breathe.

"What!!!" she yelled loud enough for my whole neighborhood to hear. "What happened? What did he do?" She gasped and turned her heas toward me. "Did he say it? Oh my gosh Ash, I should've talked to him before so that way he would've known. Im so sorry."

She hugged me very tightly. "It's okay." I said calmly.

"If you say it's okay, I belive you. But what did he say?" she asked worriedly.

It's okay to tell Lucy, she's my best friend and has known about it since it happened. "He just promised that me and him where going to go travel together when we're 18, since you said you didn't want to 'walk a lot' " I said using my fingers as quotations.

"Hey, it's not my fault that my legs get tired very fast." she explained as if it was a real fact.

"Anyways, besides that. Everything was pret-"

"But did you tell him?" Lucy interupted. I shook my head slowly. "Why not? Ash he has to know tha-"

"Don't say it Lucy! Im not ready to tell him! I'll tell him when I feel like telling him. Don't pressure me." I practically yelled at her.

"I'm sorry. Ashton. I'm sorry." She whispered.

For next few minutes we walked in silence until we reached my home.

I got out my keys and walked up to the door as Lucy followed me inside.

"Mom! I'm home! Are you here?! Ivan? Ivy? Dad? Hello?" I waited for a response. But I didn't here anything.

"I guess nobody is home yet." I said as I frowned.

"C'mon, lets go up to my room." I quickly grabbed Lucy's arm and pulled her upstairs.

"Geez, Ash. Calm down." I let go of her arm as we walked past the other rooms that belonged to my siblings and parents.

Lucy walked in first and dropped her bag onto the floor and jumped onto my bed.

"Ash, have you ever thought about remodeling your room?" she questioned. I looked around my room.

A nice dark brown frame for my bed, a black nightstand, a matching dresser, wooden floors, 3 different colored bean bags, a white desk for my work, a T.V, and posters all over my pink walls.

"Well, besides the color of the walls, I don't really want to change much."

"I can't believe you still have your pink walls, Ash. It's been the longest." She sits up. I jumped into my bed and looked at my walls.

"Your right. I'll ask my parents if we can paint it soon. I mean most of my posters and pictures cover up most of my"

"Wait!! WE???" she yelled. I nodded my head. "yes... WE. It's your idea and yyou're gonna help me weather you like it or not." I ruffled her hair as I stood up to grab my laptop.

I say on my rolling chair, and rolled over to Lucy.

"So, how's many cute guys did you find?" I questioned her.

Lucy is always checking out guys. Always has a boyfriend, looks beautiful, and never turns down sale.

"Yes I did. And since I'm currently single, I've been giving the new guys some hints." She lays down in my bed and stares at the ceiling.

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