Leadership &Braces

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"Nothing" is all I said.

"Exactly, why do you hang out with her then?" Danny asked me.

"I-I don't know. We've been best friends since we were 8. But as soon we got to middle school she want both of us to change. She wanted to become popular. I just agreed with her to make her happy. We went shopping, cut our hairs, bought new shoes, we did at the most possible things that could change us. Lucy didn't just end up changing on the outside, but the inside as well. She was only able to change the way I look, but not who I really am." I said.

I haven't realized how much Lucy has changed. She has always been there for me, so have I. But the more days that go by, the more she's forgetting about me. Thats why she's making new friends. So that she can still have someone to go to when she finally forgets me.


"What's your elective class?" I asked Danny. He shrugged his shoulder and started thinking for a while. "I think I have Leadership. Do you know where that is? Or what it's about?"

I smiled realizing that Daniel is in all my classes. Maybe I do have someone to be with.

"Honestly... I don't know. But we both have the same elective!!! Isn't that great!" He had a smile on his face. Probably because he doesn't want to be alone, like me. "I can introduce you to some other students." As soon as those words came out of my mouth, his smile disappeared.

I would ask him what's wrong, but for some reason I couldn't. He lifted his arms and scratched the back of his neck," I don't think I'm ready to meet new people yet." I nodded my head for understanding .

"Okay well lets keep walking and see if we can find the room where Leadership is being held. I don't even know why they didn't add the room number to this class." I said trying to change topic.

I continued walking as Daniel started following me. We looked around, and then the late bell rang. I cursed under my breathe. I couldn't be late. I have a perfect attendance.

I looked at Danny who seemed to have the same expression as me. I began walking to the quad area, as I saw a group of about 20 kids. I pointed over to the tables,"Dan, look. I think that's Leadership!" He looked over to where I was pointing and smiled.

"C'mon" he said as he ran. "Danny wait up." I ran to the quad area as Dan was already sitting down. I catched my breathe as I started slowly walking to sit next to him. How did he get here so fast?

He laughed at me, probably because I wasn't as fast as him. "You shut up! I don't run that often." I gave him a slight punch on his shoulder. "Oww!" he then punched me back. "Fuck you, stop it." I said. he quickly lifted his hands in surrender.

I looked at a few of the kids in my elective class an noticed that there was no 6th graders. I recognized a few students that were most likely in 7th grade and the rest were in 8th grade. I knew there names, most likely they didn't know mine but whatevers.

I looked at the first table and saw someone siting there, using a laptop. He looked like he was in his late 40's. he was probably our teacher.

"So Ashton, whose this new friend you have here?" I didn't even realize someone ended up sitting next to me. I looked over my shoulder, and there she was, Karter.

"I said, whose your new friend you have here?" she asked my again. I blinked multiple times and then looked at Dan.

"Oh, uhh th-this is Daniel." I said pointing to him. She got up and instead of sitting next to me, she moved over to where Daniel was sitting. "And does Daniel have a last name??"

She didnt even care that Daniel felt uncomfortable, she had her hand in his thigh and was combing his hair with her fingers. "Uhhhh, m-my last na-name is uhhhhh,

Daniel looked at me with an expression I haven't seen on him before. I scooted over so Daniel had space to get away from Karter. As soon a he got the idea, he grabbed Karter's hand as if it was trash and lifted it of if him and dropped it. "I-I'm sorry. But I d-don't even know y-you." Karter was offended considering that she was one of the prettiest girls in 8th grade.

With that he stood up and sat on the other side of me.

"You'll regret this, Daniel." Karter walked away back to her friends.

"Karter is sorta kinda of a whore." he looked at me and laughed. I was confused," what are you laughing??" I asked. He continued laughing until I punched his shoulder like before. "owww...stop doing that!" he said.

He started rubbing his shoulder in circles trying to make the pain go away. "tell me why you were laughing!" I said louder. " No reason at all." he began laughing again until I gave him a glare.

"Okay fine, it's cuz like you said 'whore' like nothing. Considering that your like uhhh a girl and it seems like your not the kind to be cursing and from what I've seen and heard from you. You curse a lot more than me." he gave out a little laugh waiting for a response.

"Well I'm offened!" I crossed my arms and turned the other way. "Ash!!" I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Ashton c'mon! Take it as a complement. Your not afraid to say what's in your mind." he said, which did kinda make me feel a bit better.

I turned back to him and all I said was, "Sexist." he turned his head in confusion. "you're sexist." I repeated myself. "What why??" Dan asked. I tried remembering what he said, " You said that I'm the kind of girl who wouldn't say 'whore' and just because I'm a girl." He blushed and I have no idea why.

There was no response from him he just started rubbing his tongue against his braces. I found that kinda cute, so I smiled.

Just then the principle showed up and cleared his throat.

He all looked over at him and the teacher next to him. it's been like 15 minutes and they're finally telling us something.

"Most of you must be thinking what this Leadership class is for. Well, to start off with you have all been chosen by me, to be in this class because you all have very good grades, are mature and responsible. So you are all very lucky to be in this class. And because of this you will be able to tutor you get students in this school, you will be a teachers assistant, and also be going to the garden to help out the high schoolers. So since today is your first day back you may all talk to each other, catch up and be nice to Mr.Mendes." the old guy quickly waved as the principle left.

"So are you smart?" I asked. Mr.Mendes just sat down as the class got louder. "I-I mean I guess if I was put in this class." he said making hand gestures. "How about you?" he asked me.

"Well I'm okay. I'm very good at math, I like to write which means I guess I'm good at English. History is not so good for me though." he nodded in agreement as he started rubbing his tongue against his brace again.

"Since he have all this free time right now, do you wanna play 20 questions?" I asked.


So this chapter is an okay amount.

Well in the next chapter ima introduce the characters a bit more when they play 20 questions.

And you'll find out some things about Dan too. Which will be exciting.

So I kinda wanna play a game. I'll ask a question, you answer it in the comments. In the next chapter I'll answer it. And when more and more people comment, ima start giving dedications to the first person to guess my answer in the comments before the next chapter.

Ima start off easy.

QUESTION: What's your favorite band/ artist?

Okai now you can answer. EVEN IF YOURE KATY OR JEANETTE, YOU COULD STILL ANSWER!! And as you can probably tell already ima update weekly on Fridays. So good bye for now my crazy LUNATICS!!

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