Chapter 24

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Austin's POV

I was probably going to get into a whole load of trouble for ditching school before lunch, but I didn't care. I had to get to Alan, it all made perfect sense, the way he was acting, the way he flinched whenever I tried to touch him, the few words he did say. The only thing that didn't make sense to me was how he was out before his time, but none of that mattered right now. I was certain I was right, but I had to ask Alan outright to confirm my suspions, and then if he wanted me to or not, I'd ensure that sick sonofabitch get's locked up far away for the rest of his life.

I cursed myself for not putting the pieces together until now, it's been a week since Alan's been like this. A whole week this sick, twisted monster has had to hurt him over and over again whenever his grandparents had been out at work, or out doing their usual social activities. I felt like the worst boyfriend on earth, if only I'd been smart enough to put the pieces together before now, I could've protected him. Why did I keep failing him? Why did I keep failing Alan, I'm supposed to love him, care for him, protect him, but all I did was let him down. I angrily wiped a tear off my cheek, I was angry at him, and I was angry at myself, but I couldn't think on that now, I had to do my job and protect Alan before he could do anymore damage to my precious kitten.

Soon as I pulled up outside the house, I lept out my car and ran to the door. I was about to knock when a noise stopped me dead in my tracks and made me feel like throwing up on the spot. It was Alan screaming, screaming in pain, he was here! I tried searching for the spare key they usually kept under a plant pot by the front door but I couldn't find anything, so I dug out my phone and called Alan's Nana's work place.

"Hello, Linda Ashby speaking, how can I help?" His Nana's voice sounded cheerily on the phone.

"Linda, you need to get home now and call the police!" I spoke fast and paniked.

"Austin? Why? What's happened?"

"I-I'm at yours, I-It's Alan's uncle, he-he's up there, I-I can't find the spare key."

"WHAT?!" She shrieked. "No, that's not possible, he can't have-"

"I can hear him Linda, I'm sorry, but I'm about to brake down your front door."

"Woah, stop Austin! Don't...Don't startle him, trust me, go around the back, the back door should be unlocked, if not, there's a spare key for the back under the broken paving slab, just lift it up and it'll be there. I'm on my way, I'm diailing 911 now, we'll be with you soon. And Austin, be careful please!"

"I will." And with that I hung up and ran around the back. I carefully pulled down the handle and to my relief the door opened. I stayed as silent as I could as I walked in and shut the door behind me, I could hear Alan's cries and screams. My blood boiled with rage, it took everything I had in me not to grab a kitchen knife and go stab the motherfucker, but I knew I had to be smart.

I swollowed down bile that gathered in my throat as I crept up the stairs, hearing Alan constantly begging 'please, no, don't' over and over again. I could hear him beat him, clear sounds of punches and slaps being dealt out and him saying 'shut the fuck up you piece of shit'.

Alan's door was ajar, so I pushed it open to find him on top of Alan, on the floor, beating him. I couldn't take it anymore, I lept, wrapping my arm around the assholes neck and pulling him off of Alan.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" The greasy, foul smelling man belted out, as he turned, I lamped him hard in the face, causing blood to trickle out from his nose.

I said nothing and just carried on delievering blows where I could, by the third blow, he was up on my feet and we where in a full blown fight. He was strong, stupidly strong, but I wasn't going to let him touch Alan again, so I used my rage to my advantaged and carried on hitting him. I had no control over my actions, it was almost like I was in some sort of rage black out and I had no idea what I was doing. I couldn't even feel the pain behind the punches and kick's he delievered to me. I couldn't hear Alan crying and begging me to stop, I was too angry, If I had it my way, I would beat him until he was dead.

The Dare to Destroy ~Cashby~Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum