Chapter 4

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The rest of my work day seemed to drag, but at the same time go really fast. It was weird to say the least. Ever since Austin left the store my brains been in 'over thinking mode' and I hated it. So many things ran through my head, one minute I'd be thinking that this was certainly a set up. The next if be certain he was genuine. One minute I found myself wanting to bail, ask Oli if I could go out the back way, five minutes early. But the next I'd be telling myself I was being stupid and I should meet up with him. Clearly I had no idea what I wanted to do, a part of me didn't trust a thing and wanted to run while I still could, but then this other part of me wanted to meet up with him. It was strange, I was so adamant about keeping everyone at arms length, not making friends...but now I was having coffee...with Austin freaking Carlile. I was either being really dumb...or really smart. Personally, knowing myself the way I do, I'm going to go with the first option, I usually did dumb shit. It doesn't help that I find him so god damn attractive. The way his brown hair flopped over his head perfectly, like a sweet chocolate fountain. The way his brown eyes shone, almost like there where stars in his eyes, the way I could tell he was keeping so many things buried inside. There was more to Austin a Carlile then he clearly let on. The way he stood, so tall, slim but muscular at the same time. He must of been about six ft one, at least. The way he wore his t-shirts with the sleeves ripped off. The way his skinny jeans hugged his ass and legs perfectly. The way his eyes crinkled just a little when he smiled. The way...oh for the love of god I had to snap myself out of this. I'll go for the blooming coffee and just keep him at arms length from there...if I decide I want to be on any form of speaking terms with him.

It finally got to five, I thanked Oli who said he'd be glad to have me back next week and went to wait outside for Austin just outside of the store.
I look around for signs of Austin, but there was no sign at all. I looked at my phone, signalling I'd been waiting for exactly thirteen minutes, he did say he'd be here a five...maybe Austin had decided he wanted to bail. I let out a sigh, typical, all people do is let you down and disappoint you. I'd decided to give him another five minutes before giving up.
Sure enough, five minutes later, still no Austin, so I made towards the mall exit, I didn't have time to sit and wait around for someone who clearly wasn't going to show up now. As I was about ten feet away from the doors, a familiar voice caused me to stop.
"Alan! Wait up!" I turned around and saw Austin jogging in my direction. "Sorry I'm late I, uh, got held up."
I studied him for a second when I noticed that his left eye was starting to bruise, and his lip had a fresh cut on it.
"What happened to you?" I looked at him, frowing, checking for other injuries, but it was just his eye and lip.
"What you mean?"
"Your eye...your lip...did someone..."
"Oh that, it's cool, uh, long story, I'll explain it when I've explained everything else...if we're still okay to get that coffee?"
"Sure." I shrugged. "I got to be home by half six."
"I can take you home. I passed my test a few weeks ago...if you don't drive yourself that is."
I shook my head. "Not yet." I used to want to drive do badly. I wanted to be able to have my own car, be able to take myself wherever I wanted to go. My mom promised that once I'd got my learners provisional, she'd teach me. We'd got my provisional, the day I turned fifteen and a half, two weeks before she died...she'd given me two lessons in that time, and now she was gone. It was a car that had killed her too, so all desire to drive myself was gone. I didn't want to drive anymore. I didn't want to learn, not without my mom by my side, not knowing that it was a car and the person driving who took her from me.
"That's cool. Come on, let's go get that coffee, I guess I got a lot to explain and whatnot, like I promised."
"Yeah." I sighed and gave a small nod. He shot a small smile and started walking off, leaving me to follow behind him.

We stopped at a small little coffee shop just outside of the mall. It was quite, only the people who worked here, and four other people, two couples by the looks of it. Austin led me to a table at the back, as far as we could get from people around us.
"What would you like to drink?" Austin asked.
"Oh, it's okay, I can get my own."
"No, I insist, I asked you to come." He smiled. "So again, what would you like, my treat."
" coffee, white, one sugar please." I gave him a small smile. "Thanks."
"No problem, I'll be right back." He nodded and headed over to the counter.
I found my self twiddling with my thumbs and chewing on my lip as I waited for Austin to get back. I couldn't help but keep thinking about who did that to him. I mean, the guy was over six foot, and he may be skinny, but he was muscular, not to mention he was one of the schools bullies, or former bullies according to him. So it begged the question who on earth managed to beat him? I also worried what state they where in...I'm pretty sure Austin was the type who could fight back and hold his own...and probably win.

The Dare to Destroy ~Cashby~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant