Chapter 15

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Austin's POV

"Awww little cry baby Austin." Ronnie teased leaning up against the lockers next to mine.

"Fuck off Ronnie." I sighed, wiping my eyes. "I don't need your shit, you've done enough."

"Oooohhhh on the contary Carlile, I haven't done nearly enough. While yes, seeing you all hurt and crying brings me betrayed me, so I'm not even close to being done."

"You need to get some help, you take joy in doing this to people? You need to get over your attention seeking 'my daddy wasn't there' bullcrap and get help."

Ronnie chuckled darkly. "Oh...I need help? What about you Carlile? What about all the kids you've hit, kicked, punched and bullied? What about all the kids you've hurt? You where all up for destorying the ginger until you fell in love with him..."

"I never enjoyed it!" I snapped, banging my fist against the locker. Thankfully the last bell had rung, so it was just me and Ronnie stood in the hallway. "I actually felt bad afterwards!"

"Then why you do it huh? Oh, let me guess...cause poor Austin was scared of becoming one of those kids and his poor mommy was at home dying and lifes just cruel and unfair like that." The next thing I knew, my fist was hurling towards his face, hitting him clean in the nose. I hated him, my blood boiled just looking at him. All this was his fault, I knew I was partly to blame too, I took that dare, I obeyed his commands, I didn't tell Alan the truth when I should have, but it all started with him and his damn minions! If it wasn't for them I wouldn't have picked on other kids and started using it as a coping method, I wouldn't have been there to take that dare, I wouldn't have started to speak to Alan, I wouldn't have fallen in love with him and Alan would be happy, or at least he wouldn't have been pushed to try and take his own life! I knew I still deserved some of the blame, but it all roots down to him and I hated him for who he turned me into and what he did to me, to Alan. "You sonofabitch!"

Before I could blink, I ended up on the floor, craddling my ribs as a sharp shooting pain coursed through me. Another sharp pain came as he delievered a kick to my hip, and then to my back. "What is your problem?!"

"People like you are my problem! You go around acting like your life is so damn hard and you deserve something good! You go around acting like you have a god damn right to play the victim card! New's flash don't and you betrayed you're going to pay and so is that little ginger of yours. I know he tried to take his own life after I sent him that video. Oooh imagine what would happen if that information got out and spread around the whhooolllee school. Oh, and that video of him cutting his wrists on his bed, and that video of him crying himself to sleep at night begging for his mommy. Imagine what would happen if it allll got out."

"H-How...How did you get that?!" I managed to pull myself up off the floor. He had to be bluffing, I deleted all of them.

"Vic. See Vic is pretty computer savvy, he said it took a little effort but those files weren't as deleted as you thought they where. He managed to get into your house while you where on a date with your precious ginger, under the pretense that you had his math book, or something like that. You're poor sick mom, none the wiser as to the fact he was really snooping around getting information for me to ruin you. Oh that's a point, how is your mom...I wonder how she would feel about this all." His eyes lit up and I couldn't help but smirk.

"Nice try, but she already knows, so don't even think about it, it would be pointless...and my dad would only beat the hell out of you, he hates you and he's not scared of pathetic losers like you or your father."

The Dare to Destroy ~Cashby~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora