'What the fuck?' I thought as i approached him maintaining a expressionless face. "Rehaan" i called out.

"Kritika... Meet my friend Aakanksha... Aaksh meet my wife Kritika." He said . Aaksh...?! Hmmm!!! My inner psycho devil inner self stomped her feet.

"You are married...?! When did this happen?" That girl cried.

"Just a month back." He said smiling.

"Shit!!! Do you know i have been thinking to ask you out on a coffee or something?" She said her face clearly showing disappointment.

Bitch! Ask you out on a coffee or something!? Did she forget his wife is just standing beside him?! Wife didn't she know the meaning of the word.

"Oh.... That is perfectly fine. Coffee sounds good! We could catch up." Rehaan said.

What the hell?!? She asked him out and he said Yes infront of me?! His own wife?!

And then their animated chat started. Rehaan completely forgot about me I kept eyeing them but they were busy. My blood was boiling but i was trying to keep my cool. I couldn't stand there anymore.

"I will go get the billing done" i said in a small hesitant voice.

Rehaan looked apologetically before turning his head towards that Aa.. Akanksha.

I was twisting my fingers in anticipation what is taking him so long. After my billing is done and when i am all set to go which after complete 15 minutes Rehaan came taking the bags from my hand.

"Sorry.... Sorry.... It's been a long time I met her almost 5 years" he said dreamily.

I gave him a forceful tight lip smile.

He didn't notice that though. Okay!! I may sound bitchy.... I know it feels so good to meet your friend after what did he say 5... Yeah!!! I was saying that you don't stick to your girl friends infront of your wife.

Ah... Spoiled my complete mood.

"Hey, i am in mood for taking a Chinese take out are you okay with it?" He asked.

"Rehaan you are sick. You shouldn't have Chinese food. I think i can prepare a hot porridge or something." I said.

"Nope... And i am fine. That medicine you gave worked like a magic all my 'aa..aa..aachu's"are gone." He said jokingly.

My sour mood had to show an effect and guess what??? it did!!!. I just gave him a forced smile. On which he frowned.

We were pin drop silent throughout the car drive back home. Even if Rehaan started a conversation i gave him one word answers. After sometime he stopped asking questions.

I feel like a bitch. I was about to forget about that bimbo and talk to Rehaan but the car came to abrupt halt. Thats when i noticed We reached home. I will talk to him inside....... I thought. When i offered help to carry the bags inside he said its okay. And when i tried to help him against his wish he snapped at me. I had this urge to groan Hey!!!!! I am the one who is supposed to be angry..... Not you.

It was already 15 minutes past 9. So, I went to bath because apparently my husband was not talking to me.

When i came back Rehaan was in his shorts and grey shirt his hair damp. May be he showered in the other bathroom. I was about to turn back when Rehaan called out.

"Kritika....? Can we talk?"he asked.

All i did was just nod. So now we are talking..... Awesome!

"We are not small kids any more to not talk to each other when we are angry. Infact i say lets talk like responsible adults."

"Okay......?" I asked.

He sighed and said " why were you upset.?"

Upset..?! I am?! Oh... Well.

"It's nothing" i said shrugging " i suddenly didn't feel well"

"Does this suddenly not feeling well have any connection to Aakansha?" He asked with a sharp gaze.

"No" i said too quickly.

"Kritika?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

"Okay. Fine!!! yes.... She has something to do with it." I blurted.

"What are..?" I didn't let him complete.

"She was stuck to you for the whole time and even asked you out on a date infront of your wife and the worst part is you said yes!!!!!" i exclaimed.

" Kritika... Friends can go on a date just as friends and i can't believe you don't trust me." He said as if talking to a small child.

"Rehaan it's not you i don't trust its the girls these days i don't trust. God knows how insecure i feel" i raised my voice my eyes welled up.

Rehaan was about to say something but my theory left him still. I stood there wiping the tears with the sleeves of my loose shirt.

After exactly 74 seconds Rehaan walked towards me, cupping my face " then let's scare away all those insecurities" he said before his lips crashed into mine. It took me a few seconds to process and then i started kissing him back. He lifted me up a little and i wrapped my legs around him. I felt him move but i didn't care where he is going. Our lips never parted. I felt my back touch something soft.... Probably the bed. His hands ran all over my back before reaching the end of my top in a swift motion he pulled it off. A blush rose to my cheeks as i struggled with his T-shirt. He chuckled as he helped me toss it aside.

His lips found mine again. We made love ..... once. Twice. Thrice and every other time he starts kissing......

It felt so right being in his arms as if i am meant to be there..... With sudden rush of tiredness i fell asleep naked in the arms of the one i love listening to his heart beat.
So, here is chapter 28 (as promised) drum roll please....

Hope you like the chapter.

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Good night.



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