27. 'Aa..Aa...achu....'

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Kritika's p.o.v:

I have been laughing my butt off from morning, i know it's evil of me to laugh at my sick husband but i can't help.

"You are laughing again?" Rehaan asked his face full red because of the cold.

"Sorry can't help" i said before bursting into laughter.

"Kritika it's you..r..aa..achu" he said obviously before sneezing. From morning he have been sneezing and somehow i found it very funny.

"My fault" i fake gasped. "I was not the one wanting to share germs" i said smiling. Rehaan huffed and settled back in the bed.

"Thank god it's weekend, i can't imagine what i would do if i have had any meetings" he said after sometime.

Imagining Rehaan in a suit infront of fine men speaking seriously and a..aa..achu. And that was the limit line before i burst out laughing again.

"Kritika..." He glared at me. "Oh.. Please don't spoil my fun Rehaan" i said waving his glare back.

"Sorry for being romantic" he said a little annoyed. My smile widened but i don't want him to see how much i loved the kiss or rather kisses i should say.
When i woke up today morning my fever has come down... but Rehaan started sneezing.

"A very hot cup of kaadi , a sitrzen tablet and vapour treatment would be fine. I promise you would stop your aa..aa..aachu's" i said laughing.

"Not funny kritika" he said before sneezing again. Awww now i feel bad for my sweet husband. "Okay...just take this tablet and some rest. I will prepare something hot and bring" i said pulling his cover all the way up while he adjusted. he seems to be so child like throwing tantrum for being sick. I mean i had fever from past two days though mom knew i had fever i bluffed her so that she will not postpone my journey to banglore. I didn't want to be away from Rehaan for even more than one day, rehaan couldn't even guess i had a fever until i collapsed which by the way never happened before. And here i have Rehaan who is been complaining from morning. Its his stupidity who the hell kisses a sick person i mean that long. though, he didn't say anything i love you sort but some where in my gut I know he is trying. The way he started initiating things... though we didn't go beyond kissing makes me feel warm as if cold winter night's are gone and pretty spring came.

Rehaan was already in deep sleep when i went to make him drink his kaadi. I didn't have the heart to wake him up so i closed the door. As we were moved into this new house there were boxes every where so I thought to arrange them. first i went to the boxes in which kitchenware were kept. it took me two hours to completely arranged all the utensils,pans,bowls, plates, spoons, forks,glasses,knifes, jars , bottles... i kind of felt happy for having my own kitchen. i went to check on Rehaan in between but he was still asleep so i came back to arrange the living room. It took every ounce of strength i have to push the heavy sofa in the corner and I put extra cushions on them. it look another one and half hour to arrange all the flower vases, few photo frames here and there, my novel collection,a pen stand and what not.. everything looked perfect except for the plain mint and white colour wall to my right i was thinking what do with that wall as i hung few paintings which i found in one of rehaan's open boxes on the other wall now this wall looked dull. suddenly a idea stuck... I was gifted a collage photo frame by someone in the wedding I decided to put that on the plain wall in the living room but before i could bring that photoframe into the living room my stomach gave a low rumble. i glanced at the watch and noticed it was already 2 in the afternoon i quickly checked on Rehaan once again and went into the kitchen to prepare a kichidi because only rice and few pulses and few vegetables were only there and also as Rehaan was not well that would be best dish. In twenty minutes i prepared my kichidi and hot tomato soup. I placed everything in a tray and was about to go into the room so that Rehaan could have some, a very shirtless Rehaan in his shorts came out of the bedroom. God his face looked flushed as if all the blood in his body rose to his face. He looked so cute and adorable.

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