Valentine's Day Part I

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"I've missed you sweetie."

"I've missed you, too, Mom."

"How are you feeling?"

"Horrible, Mom. I don't know what to do. I'm dying without him but it'll be hard to be with him and it'll just be so bad in any situation. I hate this so much, Mom."

"I'm sorry sweetie, but I believe things can work out okay. Give a little to get a little. Am I right?"

"You're right Joli."

She smiled at the man in the room, cleaning some of the other boys' stuff.

"It'll be okay Cupid," he said to me. "I was in a similar situation."

I hardly payed attention. Jack was clouding my thoughts. I was trying to think of a situation where it could work out and be okay for everyone or for the majority. It was hard and I was miserable. I felt so guilty because I wasn't even giving it a chance. Here I am, being selfish. Jack is suffering and I'm not doing a thing for him. I'm just thinking of myself. Haven't I told myself and many others not to be selfish? Not only am I selfish, miserable, foolish jerk, but I'm also a hypocrite.

"Believe me Cupid. Everything will work out just fine. Trust me on this. Just give it some time."





I walked down the hall and leaned in the doorway of Dad and Eli's room. Eli was getting dressed, buttoning up his shirt. "I've met you before haven't I?" I asked him.

"Duh, silly," he said. "We met, like, last year."

I rolled my eyes. "I mean before your parents passed away and you moved here. You were at the school I went to for a while. I was in the room I shared with some other guys and my mom came to visit me. You were in the room cleaning some things up for some reason. I didn't really pay attention to you, though. Why were you there?"

"Because I knew something absolutely horrible was going to happen. I thought it was going to happen directly to you, but it ended up being Jack getting kidnapped and I knew if things didn't go right we could all die. But, in the end only my parents passed away."

"How can you act so casual about that?"

He sighed and tucked his shirt in. "I don't know. I've always been prepared for deaths." He shrugged. "I just can. Besides, I know where they're at and that makes me happy."

I entered the room and sat on the bed. "What happens when we die?"

"Well, I'm really not suppose to, but I can trust you not to tell anyone else. So don't tell anyone. Otherwise I have every right to kill you and the people you tell."

"My lips are sealed," I told him.

He shut the door and sat down on the bed, leaning against the wall next to me. "So, many people are right about dying. When you die, it's just your body that dies. Your soul lives on, but no living person can comprehend what happens to soul. Not even me. Though the concept of Heaven and Hell are somewhat true, same with Nirvana. If you do something wrong, and you don't redeem yourself before you die, then you have to suffer. It's like Hell, but it's not fire and brimstone. It's a very celestial thing that we can't understand. It's an emotion and soulful thing. It's kind of like therapy, too. Though if you die simply, then there are multiple things. Any of these things can happen to the person who has redeemed theirselves. If you have unfinished business, then you get reincarnated into another live and finish it up. So once all unfinished business is done, there are two things that can happen. You can be a ghost, or you can move on."

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