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Dedicated to aciddaisies_for the awesome cover! 


Honestly, all this soulmate stuff... Well, Kuroko is rather taken by the idea, not that he would ever admit that to anyone. He just finds it all incredibly romantic. Having a mark on you that would only appear when you were ready to be with your soulmate and they were ready to be with you. Then, having that mark appear a bright colour (usually red or blue) when you made contact with said soulmate.

Kuroko couldn't wait for his mark to appear. He certainly felt ready to be with and meet his soulmate and although he understood he needed to wait for his soulmate to also be ready, he's growing impatient. 

As a child, Kuroko always admired the love that his parents have. He still does admire it, although now it looks to them and imagine himself with his own bride, whoever she may be.

They always told one another they loved each other and Kuroko's father treats his mother like a princess. Of course, neither were perfect and they had a healthy amount of spats and tiffs but they always resolved things quickly, unable to stay anger at their loved one.

When he was in Teiko, Kuroko wasn't overly surprised to find that few of his classmates had their marks. Some did but most people got their marks at the start of High School or perhaps towards the end. Some, obviously, had to wait longer. Not everyone fell in love with people around their age and so some would be almost twenty when their future partner got to an age where they felt ready to be with their future husband or wife.

None of the Generation of Miracles talked about their marks and when they'd get them in Teiko. Kuroko had heard Kise mention them but he was certainly more interested in other things in Middle School. He loved girls and dating, yes, but he wasn't exactly keen on settling. He was always changing his mind. 

Kuroko would often sit and wonder who in their group would be the first to get their mark. He felt that he was certainly the first to feel ready but when you add the element of their soulmates needing to be ready, it was much harder to decide.

In the end, Kuroko decided that Murasakibara and Midorima would be the last of them, most likely. He thought that he and Akashi would be the first.

He was wrong, though. Very wrong. Most were shocked at who, of the six of them, was the first. Mainly because he's cold and 1000% a tsundere.  

Yes, Midorima was the first to receive his mark and find his soulmate. In fact, he got his mark and found his soulmate in less than twenty four hours. 

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