Heartbreak and surprise kisses

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AUTHORS NOTE: this takes place the morning AFTER into the bunker. It's 6:00am and I haven't slept all night so don't judge.

"Hey Wendy?" Mabel asked her older friend who was sitting at her station in the gift shop. Wendy looked up and smiled.
"Yeah? What's up, dork?" Mabel looked at Wendy, her voice getting softer by the second.
"I know it may be awkward, but can you go wake up Dipper? Stan said to tell you that you had to today." "Okay." Wendy said as she made her way to the stairs. Why did she feel like it would be awkward if she did it? She shrugged off the thought and opened the door to the twins room. She silently walked over to Dipper's bed. When she got to his bed, she saw that the bed was....wet? She looked from the bottom to the bed, which was dry as a bone, to the top where it was drenched. She decided to asked about that later but as she was going to wake him, she heard light sobs coming from under the blanket. Carefully, she lifted the blanket a little and saw something that hurt her more than anything else. There she saw her friend, laying there, sobbing in his sleep and mumbling under his breath. She could only hear one word out of the mumbles. "Wendy" She, once again, carefully tried to wake him and saw his eyes quickly open.
"W-Wendy? What are you doing here?" Dipper asked, now fully awake. Wendy smiled.
"Your sister asked me to wake you up and...." Dipper looked at her suspiciously but then looked at his bed.
"Oh...." He mumbled. He then felt his face. Of course, his eyes were completely drenched in tears. He looked to his not-so-secret-crush and blushed. But before he could say anything, she cut him off.
"D-Dipper..is this about....yesterday?" She asked, her cheeks feeling warm. Dipper looked down and sighed.
"Y-yeah..." He whispered. Wendy smiled and took her young friends hand. "Dipper, I really do like you back but...you're twelve and I'm fifteen. What would everyone think?" Dipper, now furious with what she said, grabbed both her hands.
"Wendy, I don't care how anyone else reacts. I love you and I can't see you go through just because you feel sorry for me. A twelve year old kid who just got a random crush on the prettiest girl in the world this summer." He looked at the ground and sighed, tears creeping their way into his eyes. Wendy smiled but let him finish. "What I'm trying to say is that I'll never get over my crush on you but that's okay. You don't have to worry about it. Just ignore me. But before you even consider it-" he stopped mid-sentence and kissed her straight on the lips. Wendy, though shocked, kissed back instantly. Dipper felt as if he was on cloud 9 and melted into the kiss. He meant everything he said and now the kiss meant even more. They soon pulled away and Wendy smiled, looking at the small boy before her.
"Dipper..." She started but quickly leaned in and kissed him again. After what seemed like an eternity, they pulled away again and smiled.
"S-so does this mean...?" Dipper asked but was too daised to continue. Wendy smiled and nodded. And with that, he smiled and they kissed for the third time that morning. It was the best one out of them all.

Okay I actually like this one. But comment what you think and if you died while reading. Thanks again.


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