Chapter 4

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Reanee soon found her self in a parlor like room. A bit dull in color she noticed as she looked around. She finally found her name and entered into the hallway. She hesitated then explored.
Within the hallway there were four doors named as well. In her body, she was relieved to find she was completely healthy. In her brain she was surprised to find memories and knowledge of her own. In her heart she found all kinds of emotions.
-Love for Rachel, Miguel, Anabell, Natalie, Nate, Nell, Ned, and Angus.
-Grief for having to leave Rachel and Miguel.
-Fear for her and her new family's future in America and on Earth.
-Uncertainty of her own strength and power.
Then, finally her soul which surprised her the most. She found very powerful power.
-A sixth sense
-The ability to connect in any way
-An inner shielding
These were the only ones she could understand at least a little. She went back to the parlor to ponder what she had found out. After a few minutes, Reanee woke up to find her new family watching her curiously. Suddenly everything came at one. The curiosity, the fear, the grief, the knowledge of others abilities and more. Reanee closed her eyes and took several deep breaths. Everything calmed down and yet was still there in her self- counsciose mind. Reanee opened her eyes and sat up.

"You may leave at any time, but only on your ships. The Choosing is over. Families can come down and say good-bye," the platform Elder announced, then disappeared.

Everyone, but Reanee stood up. Reanee's body and mind was still getting use to the power within.

"Wait! Let our families come to us. It will be safer on the platform," Reanee whispered, even as crowds started to form on the fields.

Her family sat back down and leaned toward Reanee.

"Reanee, you look tired. Are you OK? What happened?" Anabell asked, concerned.

"I...seem to be very powerful. My body and mind are still getting used to the power. I will be fine just give me a moment," Reanee informed as their other families joined them.

"You better take care of our children," Natalie's mother replied, firmly.

" I plan to do my best," Reanee informed as she got up.

Anabell's mother nodded even as tears started to fall down everyone's cheeks.

"If only we could stay in contact," Rachel whimpered.

Reanee froze and then replied,"maybe there is a way."

Everyone looked at her, surprised.

"How? Phones are not strong enough yet and I have never heard of families of the choose being able to visit from m two different planets," Miguel informed.

"I am not sure if I am strong enough, but one of my powers are the ability to connect. Maybe I could connect us together somehow. Of course the distance might be too great for it to stick, but it is worth a try is it not," Reanee suggested.


"Well yes and if it does not work then we will know it does not work," Rachel whispered ad everyone else nodded.

"How? You will need something in common with all of us, would you not?" Miguel questioned.

Reanee nodded, thinking. Silent thinking continued.

"Is there a reason you guys are still here?" an Elder asked some time later.

Reanee realized every machinery, Pearson and platform was gone except for their own which surprised her.

"We are trying to figure out some way to be able to meet up with each other," Natalie's mother informed the Elder.

The Elder snorted and replied, "earth's atmosphere is still in the early stages of handling transporting from a distane. So, unless one can transport, then your out of luck. Now hurry, or your official will fall asleep in the parlor of the airport," the Elder scolded, then left.

"How rude," Anabell's mother exclaimed.

"Parlor," Reanee whispered, remembering the inner parlor she had been in.

"It does not matter. We must find a connection of sorts," Miguel replied.

Suddenly Reanee's eyes widened.

" That is it!" Reanee exclaimed, laughing.

Everyone looked at her confused.

"What is it?" Rachel asked.

"The inner parlor. We all have one because its like a main room for everyone. If we some how connect all our hallways to my parlor then we will all be connected ad long as I live," Reanee suggested.

Confusion was still in the air.

"Everyone sit down in a circle. Close your eyes and relax. Go to your hallway, but just the edge," Reanee ordered.

Everyone did what they were told after a brief hesiataion.

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