Chapter 2

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The next morning, Reanee changed into the fresh clothes she had kept and yied the jacket around her waist. Reanee put her money in her pants pocket, which happened to be lined with plastic. They had breakfast, but it was a silent affair. After the breakfast dishes were cleaned they headed to the Elders Football Field. Rachel and Miguel sat in the stands while Reanee went onto the field. Reanee met up with her 17 year old friend, Anabell who was holding her 5 year old brother, Angus', hand. They stood together while waiting. By noon , a lot of children's with sybolings were on the field. One of the Elders walked to a platform in the middle of the field. The other Elders were clustered around the platform. Everyone quieted.

"Now first all of you need to get in a line. Sybolings stay together!" the Elder ordered.

A line was formed from one end of the field to the other along the base line. Reanee stayed with Anabell and Angus.

"Sit Down!" the Elder ordered.

Everyone sat down. Another Elder appeared with a long cart. He rolled it to the beginning of the line, but not close enough to be touched. All the Elders, except the one with the cart and the one at the platform, disappeared. Silence! Suddenly an Elder appeared behind each child with a huge suitcase. Angus glanced behind him at his suitcase and he was not the only one.

The Elder at the platform spoke, "Be patient. Each item you get today will be put in your suitcase and forever yours. Now, any with money put it into the bad that is within your suitcase. There is a wallet within. All important documents will be put in there as well!"

Silence and then movement. Reanee put her on ney in her new wallet as did everyone else in their own wallets. Everyone sat back down once that was done. Then the Elder with the cart started to go down the line while another Elder handed out binders to each kid. The binders were put in the bags within the suitcase. Once that was done the cart and Elders disappeared. Suddenly a marketplace appeared.

"Get clothes and hygenic stuff for sure. Get what you want for free this day," the platform Elder replied.

No one moved for a moment. Reanee zipped her bag up while everyone started to move. Reanee, Anabell, and Angus found clothes and hygenic items to put in each of their suitcase. Each got a bible as well. After that, they added favorite books, movies and movie series among other stuff. Finally everyone finished and sat back down. The market disappeared.

"This year we have many 18 year olds, so instead of sending youngsters to foster care on earth or other planets, the 18 year olds will adopt the youngsters including you 17 year olds since 18 are adults on other planets. Each 18 year old will be in charge of and guardian to those they adopt. Now all 18 year olds bring your suitcase and all your sybolings to a platform," the Elder broadcasted.

Many platforms suddenly appear across the field. The 18 year olds moved onto a platform each with their family. Reanee ended up being the only 18 year old that did not have any younger sybolings. Once they were all settled, signs telling how many were one each platform appeared in front of each platform.

"Like I said before this year the oldest child within each family will choose which 18 year old will adopt them and their family and 18 year olds have final say. Limit each 18 year old with four families so they are not overloaded," the Elder instructed, firmly. Most of the younger families started to move. Anabell and Angus joined Reanee on her platform. Most everyone else leaned and went to the 18 year olds who were rich or had sybolings. Soon everyone but one family was situated.

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