Ch. 16

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"So you guys have a break for a while. Are you going to go home? Spend it with your families?" The guy asked. I looked across the couch at Michael who smiled at me. I leaned back and threw my arm over the back of the couch behind Calum.

"We me and Luke are headed to Sparta, Kentucky for the NiFi Festival." Michael said.

"Oh ya? I've heard that's really fun." He said with a smile. "Any particular reason?"

"We're going to see Green Day for the first time." I said with a smile and nod.

"Ashton and Calum. You're not going?" He asked them.

"No. This is a Michael and Luke anniversary thing." Ashton said. Calum nodded his head in agreement.

"That's quite special considering how much you love them." He said with a laugh.

"Ya. We're going to go there and then after that we will be heading home to Australia to see our families." Michael said. "But I'm excited."

"Ya so am I." I said.

"Bye." I said as I hugged Ashton. Michael hugged Calum, saying bye, and then we switched.

"See you guys in 4 days." Ashton said as he picked up his bag and walked away with Calum. I pouted and looked at Michael, who laughed at me. We got our stuff and headed in the opposite direction towards our terminal. We went through check in and got all our stuff back, going to sit down.

"I'm so tired." I said and yawned. "You want coffee? I want coffee."

"Ya. You know what I like." He said. I nodded and got up, walking over to the Starbucks, getting in line. I felt someone tap my shoulder and I turned around, looking down at a girl.

"Hi. I was just wondering if I could get a picture?" She asked. I smiled at her and nodded. "Will you kiss my cheek?"

"Sure." I said with a chuckle. I leaned down to do so, her turning her head last minute and snapping a picture of me kissing her on the lips. I moved back and looked at her weird as she walked off. I scratched the back of my head and felt my phone go off.

Mikey: That was quite hysterical.

I looked up and over at him. He laughed and waved at me. I rolled my eyes and turned back around, texting him back.

Luke: She literally turned her head last minute and didn't say anything before running off. I'm honestly so confused right now.

I heard him laugh, which would have been quite loud considering how loud it is in here. I smiled and shook my head as I walked up to the counter. I ordered our drinks and payed for them, waiting over to the side for them. They called them out and I picked them up, walking back to Mikey. "That's going to be all over the news tomorrow."

"Probably." He said with a laugh and taking his drink. "Thanks babe."

"You're welcome." I said and sat down next to him. I pulled my phone out and went on twitter to look at my mentions. "It's already floating around on twitter." I scrolled through with my eyebrows furrowed. "Lovely." I pressed the compose new tweet button and started typing.

Luke: The girl in the picture as for a kiss on the cheek and turned her head right before she got the picture of us, it definitely is not what it looks like and I am most definitely not interested in girls #homosexual

I sent it and went back to looking through my timeline. I saw Calum responded to my tweet with the laughing emoji and I let out a chuckle. I put my phone away after hearing our plane get called. My and Michael made our way over to the lady taking tickets. We handed her our tickets and made our way onto the plane.

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