Chapter 3: Games We Play

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A new day Is just beginning, the clouds surround the castle as the sun is trying to break free from the clouds hold. The Sound of the birds chirping towards the owls who wake the students up from a awakening. It's been a week, so Albus and James have served their detention and gotten a angry letter from Ginny included with some wit from Harry. So let's see what our favorite people are up to!

Liam, Emily and James were finishing their breakfast and talking to each other. So James are you trying out for Quidditch this year? Liam asked. Of course. James said high fiving him while Emily just rolled her eyes. Are you trying out for beater? James asked. Yea I love playing beater, are you trying out for chaser? Liam asked. I think so, it's going to be a great season I can feel it. James said. Oh please you guys didn't even win 5 games last year. Emily said. Well we are going to be good this year. Liam said while James agreed. They got up and started walking towards Charms class when James spoke up. Race you to class? James said. You're on. Liam said. They took off and Emily just said I don't understand how we are best friends.

With Albus, Jason, Tyler, Arthur and Scorpius,
Qudditch is coming up guys is anyone trying out? Arthur asked. I am. Tyler said. Me too. Jason said. Not me. Scorpius said. I am. Albus said. Not me either, I have school to worry about. Arthur said. How come you don't want to do it Scorpius? Jason asked. I'm not really into Quidditch, I like watching it but not playing it. Scorpius said. Then you can watch Jason score all the goals, I'll look for the snitch and Ty here can block all the shots. Albus said confidently. You seem so confident. Scorpius said smirking. That's because I have a really good feeling about this season. Albus said. And because he's Harry Potter's son. Tyler said. They all laughed at His remark. Well the three of us have to get to class with my dad, so I'll see you guys later. Arthur said. Scorpius and Albus walked until they saw a bench outside near the corridor they had just walked through. Scorpius and Albus had a free period so they sat down. How are you feeling after last week? Albus asked. I feel better than last week, my head was pounding all last week but I'm good now. Scorpius stated. Albus looked at him and smiled at him and Scorpius smiled back. Scor, do you remember anything from the night you admitted to the hospital wing? Albus asked. Yes I did, You said You were glad I was okay and you said I love you Scor. Scorpius said smiling big. Albus blushed. Did you mean that? Scorpius asked. Of course I did, you are my best friend. Albus said taking his hand. Your my best friend too, and I just want to say thank you for protecting me. Scorpius said squeezing his hand. Scorpius and Albus just looked at each other until Scorpius looked away and stood up. What's wrong Scor? Albus asked. I can't do this. Scorpius said while running away. Albus sat down dumbfounded while Rose walked up to him. Hey Al what's wrong? Rose asked while sitting down. Umm nothing just thinking, how are you? Albus said. I'm good, we haven't really hung out since we got here. Rose said. I know I think we've just made friends and you and I have been hanging out since we were babies so it's okay. Albus said. Yea, how are you doing? You seem kind of shocked just now. Rose said. Yea I just was thinking about something and it kind of shocked me a bit. I'm okay though. Albus said. I'm here for you cousin just know that. Rose said. I know I'm here for you too. Albus said. The bell rang as students left class to go to another. Well I have to get to class or Professor Keniak will be pissed, bye Rose I'll talk to you soon. Albus said getting up and leaving. Rose got up then accidentally dropped her book, as she bent down to pick it up, a boy picked it up for her instead. It was Jason Thomas. Thanks Jason. Rose said blushing. No problem, trying to be good. Jason said smiling. Oi! Jason let's go to class! Tyler yelled from across the way. As you heard I better go, see you around Rose. Jason said. Jason turned around to walk away but stopped to turn back around to face Rose again. Get ready. Jason said. For what? Rose asked confused. An explosion boomed and Tyler's hair was up and he coughed because of the smoke. Jason started laughing and Rose laughed at the antics unfolding in front of her eyes. Jason! You put a fire rock inside of my bag seriously! You're dead! Tyler yelled as he ran towards Jason. Got to go see you around. Jason said while running away from Rose as Tyler ran after him. Rose smiled and started walking towards the library when Vanessa, Ashley and Lucy ambushed her. Tell us everything! Ashley said. What are you talking about? Rose said. Your moment with Jason obviously. Lucy said. Oh, it was brilliant, up till your brother got burned by Jason's prank. Rose smiled at the thought of the antics. My brother is such a tool. Lucy said. They all laughed and walked towards the library. We're happy for you Rose truly but I have to go practice for the Qudditch tryouts coming up soon, Ash you coming? Vanessa asked. Of course, you need someone to score on you. Ashley said while smirking. Shut up lets go, bye Rose bye Lu. Vanessa said walking away with Ashley. Those two are crazy. Rose said. Just as she said that, Liam, Emily and James walked up to them. What's up Rose? James asked. Not much, still pulling your idiotic pranks? Rose asked. Always. James said high fiving Liam. I don't know how you put up with him in your family. Emily said. We don't deal with him. Rose said jokingly. Hey Lu. Liam said waving at her. Lucy waved back and smiled big. Hey Em, Liam wants to go to the Great Hall for some lunch? James asked. I'm starving. Emily said. Me too lets go bye Rose and bye Lu see you soon. Liam said waving bye. Bye cousin. James said. Stay far away from these guys girls. Emily said walking away. Are you okay Lu? Rose asked. Liam Press just waved to me. TWICE! Lucy yelled. Everybody looked at her crazy. Shh. Rose said walking with her. I am going to faint. Lucy said. Please he didn't even touch your hand and you would still faint. Rose said. One can dream. Lucy said smirking. The two girls laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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