Chapter 2: Love and Enemies

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Day 2 of Hogwarts begins. The cold breeze blows through the Womping Willow. Owls flying to the post and the Sun rising above the tops of the Castle. While inside, the smell of sausage and fresh pumpkin juice can be smelt throughout the Great Hall. New day. New Ups and Downs.

Albus, Jason, Tyler and Arthur get out of bed, yawning. They all get dressed and go to the Great Hall. Albus sees Scorpius sitting alone at the end of the Slytherin table while two boys are laughing at him. "Sit down guys, I'll be there in a minute." Albus said. Jason, Tyler and Arthur sat down and started eating breakfast. Albus walked over to Scorpius. "Why are they laughing at you?" Albus asked. "Jake and Chase are laughing because they called me a coward because I didn't want to pull a prank on the Ravenclaw second year guys." Scorpius said. "What was the prank?" Albus asked. "Pretend to be friendly with them then beat them up." Scorpius said. "That's horrible. You're so different than your dad." Albus said. "I know. My dad taught me to be kind to people because when you're cruel in the end you have no good friends." Scorpius said. "Well you have me." Albus said touching his hand. Scorpius looked into Albus's eyes and in that moment, they felt connected as one. "Look at Malfoy and Potter, being all lovey to each other." Chase Nott said. The Slytherins laughed and pointed at Albus and Scorpius. "I was comforting him." Albus said pulling his hand away. "Looked more than comforting to me." Jake Zabani said winking. Albus got up and went over to them. "Listen, he's my friend you guys were being idiots and making him feel sad, so stop pulling horrible pranks on innocent people because I don't want any trouble." Albus said walking away. "Look at little Potter being the bigger person, he just doesn't have the skin to fight us." Jake said high fiving Chase. Albus got his wand out and said Stupefy! Jake and Chase flew to the wall. "Wow Al I didn't know you had that in you." James said patting him on the back. "Good job!" Teddy said. "Al you could have detention, but good job they deserved it!" Rose said. "Wow that was brilliant." Tyler, Arthur and Jason said. "I can't believe you did that for me." Scorpius said. "I would do anything for you." Albus said smiling. Scorpius smiled back and sat back down. "I'm going to sit back down with my friends. Care to join?" Albus asked. "Sure." Scorpius said. Albus, Scorpius, Rose, Vanessa, Lucy, Ashley, Jason, Tyler and Arthur talked about their classes and other stuff. They became a group. Scorpius shared glances at Albus, Albus shared glances at Scorpius. Then breakfast ended and classes began.

With James,
James and Teddy were partners in crime. James had two best friends in his year, Emily Green and Liam Press. James has had a crush on Emily since the first time they had met. Emily has had a crush on James since the first time they had met. They haven't told each other their feelings for each other yet. But James, Liam and Emily have a great friendship. James is the prankster, Emily is the smart and Liam is the brave. Sounds like the Golden Trio a bit right? But they aren't like the Golden Trio, they still have some growing up to do. Back to the story, Liam, Emily and James were walking out of Potions when a loud noise was heard. Liam and Emily looked at James. "I mixed some potions together before I left, come on it was funny!" James said. "Potter!" Professor Brier yelled. "Yes sir?" James said. "Detention!" Professor Brier said. "Bloody hell." James mumbled walking away with Liam and Emily. Emily and Liam were laughing. "Shut up." James said. "Why do you like doing pranks?" Emily asked. "Because it's fun and you get a rush of adrenaline." James said. "You're mental." Emily said laughing. "Mental for you." James mumbled. "What was that mate?" Liam asked smirking. "Nothing. Let's go to Herbology with Professor Longbottom." James said while hitting Liam on the back of his head.

With Rose,
Rose, Ashley, Vanessa and Lucy were walking to Charms. "Guys I think I like somebody." Lucy admitted. "Who?" Vanessa asked. "Liam Press." Lucy said. "Why?" Ashley asked. "Well he's a great Quidditch player, brave, kind of smart, and I hear he has a tattoo." Lucy said. "A tattoo of what?" Rose asked. "A Chinese Fireball." Lucy said. "I highly doubt that." Rose said. "We'll see about that." Lucy said smiling. "To be honest, I have a crush on someone." Ashley said. "Who?" Vanessa asked. "Albus." Ashley said grinning. "My cousin Al?" Rose asked. "Yes. He's smart, brave, great Quidditch player and he's courageous." Ashley said. "Do you like anyone yet Vanessa and Rose?" Lucy asked. "I love Quidditch. That's what I love." Vanessa said. They laughed. "Just like your mom and dad." Rose said while looking at Jason. Rose was looking at Jason differently, he looked amazing in her eyes. Ashley snapped her fingers in her face. "You okay?" Vanessa asked. "Yea just daydreaming." Rose said. "Okay, let's go we have Divination." Ashley said. Rose walked away with her friends looking at Jason before turning the corner.

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