"You can't kill him!!"

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Love POV

I got up to leave but

"Why did you kiss my brother?" He said a little angry

"None of your business kid!"

"I'm older than you!!"

"In you're dreams baby well I really need to go I have to go meet with my... friends." I said walking again

"You mean the one's that have make you the bitch you are now?!" He almost scream I laugh sarcastically

"Baby they didn't change me you did I'm just starting to hang out with the one's that are like me I have always been like this I only hide it but then you happen and look where that got us call me whatever you want you're just another human in the list!" I spat

"You say human as if you weren't one!!" He said

"Give you something to think of huh?!" I said living the room as soon as I was out of his sight I ran home in vamp speed

"Sorry that took so long I had some... inconvenient" I said they all nod we all talked about how to kill my mother and Duncan was still with that girl and Damen got hear

"Hey!" I said but then I noticed someone I didn't want to see

"What the fuck is he doing hear and with he's... family." That last word hurt a little

"I only want to talk Love please listen to me!" Ryder said

"I thoght I told you no the last time!!" I said getting angry

"Look I'm done doing what you want so you will listen to me!!" He screams

"How about no get the fuck out of my house or you won't live to tell it!!" I said

"You can't kill him!!" He's wife said witch I know is name Tiffany

"Who said I couldn't...Tiffany!!" I said in a dear way

"He is an original they can't be killed!!" She said proud I laugh a little

"Oh honey how inocent are you? You are still a new born I'm stronger than you in all ways and I can kill him without moving a finger!!" I said

"Jaja good one I want to see you try!!"

"Tiffany!! You don't know who she is she or what she is so shut it and she can even kill me so shot your mouth!!" Damen scream at her now she looks sceard I smerk

"I have things I need to do I need to kill her tomorrow!!" I said

"Who's her??" Ryder asked

"I'll help you but then you'll need to sleep with me every time I want." Damen said with a smerk then look at Ryder. Ryder was anoyed Damen sights

"And listen to Ryder." He continued

"The first one isn't a problem but the second will!" I said glering at Ryder

"Baby you will have to do it eventually!" Damen said

"Fine but only because I need someone that normal witch power's don't work with!" I said giving up

"Grate now let's talk!" He said I sighted mom you will pay for this!! I open the door and let them in I see everyone a little surprised and look at them with hate as always

"What are you doing hear?!?" Aaron asked

"Aaron face it we need people who witch's power won't work with and that's why they are hear... or more like Damen is hear." I said and look at Ryder

"Talk." Is the only word I said

"Ok so I loved you Love but you aren't my mate Tiffany is I thought you were my mate and I'm sorry for what I did but what would you have done if I told you that I didn't love you anymore?? I didn't want to hurt you and this was the best way even tho it still hurt you it hurt you less then telling you that I was living you for your copy...I'm sorry." He said I looked away I couldn't look at him not after that I just fill hurt very hurt I don't believe in love anymore both my lovers have broken my heart and me just turning it off doesn't help anymore.

I just stayed ther about to cry I'm angry at them for this and am angry with Damen for making me hear this!!

"I have to go see you tomorrow." I said and run out of the house in a second I felt someone grab me from behind I look up to see Damen ther

"I'm so sorry Love." He said holding me I just look at him he really was flawless well he is a vampire I look at Riker and he would need a lot of mack up to look like this and he's eye's are more light than Riker's and he's rock star hair he looks hot. Only actual difference between Riker and Damen damen look's stronger than Riker and you can see he's six pack over he's shert!!!

"Finished checking me out?" He asked with a smerk

"Not cuiet." I said still looking at him amd for some reason my eye's finished in his lips and started staring between he's eye's and lips he started laning in until are lips touched I didn't feel anything but for some reason it felt hot in a way so we started making out my hand's ended up in his neck playing with his hair and his on my ass pulling me closer yo him we continued to kiss no one stopping us that's until

"Love!!! Come hear!!" A girl girl screamed who the hell is that it didn't matter I contained to kiss Damen and the voice came again I ignored it then my phone ring I stopped my eye's are red by now and I answered the phone

"What?!!" I asked anoyed and angry that they stopped my make out season Damen smirked and pushed me to a tree kissing my neck

"We need you." Aaron said

"Aaron I'll be ther later I cinda have my hand's tight right now." I said looking at Damon who was unbotoning my pants he was really turning me on!!

"Love we-" I cut him off

"Aaron I'm busy call you later." I said ending the call

"Finally want to go to a hotel my house or the car?" He asked

"How about the beach?" I said running to the beach after I put my pants were they belong.

"And wear do you think your going?" He asked pulling me to him and kissing me on the neck and that's how everything started.

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