"Who Are You?!?!"

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Love POV

"Let's just say I read a lot." I say smirking at myself I can't believe I just said that I mean I read but not that much.

"Wow, really wow  you were awesome that teacher is one of the worst he thinks he knows everything but now we know there's someone who knows more then him. Wait are you a nerd?!" Owww that hurt!

"Ummmm no I just like history is somthing that is so different from the way we live now." I say

"Cool well let's go to the next class." He says I nod


I go to lunch with Ross and see everyone staring at me and whispering things like.

'What is she doing here?'

'She doesn't belong here.'

'What does Ross see in her? She's probably a whore I mean look at her.'

'She most be fake look at her no one looks like that.'

I put my head down and Ross puts his hand around my sholders and I don't move it away I just put my head in his sholder (don't judge me he is too tall) and he puts his head on mine.

"Awwww you guys look so cute!" Rydel screams and Ross laugh

"She's right you know you do look cute." Riker says

"Yeah!" They all said at the same time

"Ok well I guess you just killed him." I say and I see 2 others girls with R5 and Ryland and they look at me weard and Rocky says.

"We already told you, you are not ugly in fact you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen."

"Wow thanks Rocky!" A girl said laughing.

"Sorry baby!"

"Ok now I'm lost I know all of you but I don't know them." I say looking at the 2 girls

"Oh sorry this girl right here is my girlfriend KC!" Rocky says putting his arm around a tall girl (ok they are just to tall I'm so short) with brown hair and hazel eyes. She's skinny and has make up on her but she looks good with it.

"And this is my girlfriend Stephanie!" Riker says looking at the other girl she has chestnut color hair with, baby blue eyes with a little of green in them, she wasn't as pale as me but she was a little pale she only had little make up on her just lipstick, maskara and eyeliner she was skinny as well and had a model body she was beautiful in other words. I stay looking at her and say.

"See compare me to them I would never beat them!" I say they look at me strange and say

"Did you just really compare us to you?!" KC ask

"Yeah she did but little does she know how she will beat us I mean look at her she is more beautiful than I am." Stephanie says looking at me up and down and smiled at me.

"Ok you are wrong I will never be like you but thanks!" I said to her.

"There is nothing to thank us is all true."

We eat and go to the next classes and school ended quite fast and it was time to go home.

"Bye guys!"

"Where are you going? You are coming home with us!" Ross says

"Oh no!!" I said a little scared of what would happen

"Come on it will be fun!!" Rydel said

"I guess?" I said a little like a question

"Great let's go!" KC says

*At The Lynch's House*

"Ok let's go to the pool!" Ratliff says

"Ok." They all say and Rydel drags me to her room and start looking in her drawer and get out a yellow bikini and say.

"Wear this now!" She demand

"What I can't possibly do that!"

"Yes you can now go!" She scramed at me pushing me to the bathroom to change I put on the yellow bikini and get out I see the girls gasp and stared at me

"Ok don't think I'm lesbien or anything but you look hot girl!" Rose says (Rose is the girl R5 adopted she has blond hair and hazel eyes just like Rydel she doesn't seem adopted actually but she is) while going in the bathroom and coming out with a purple bikini.

"Are we really doing this?" I ask because everyone had on their hands a bikini the color of their boyfriends favorite color and may I say Rydel put on a dark green on maybe it's because of somthing, KC's was a leam green and Stephanie had a blue one on.

We get out of Rydel's room and go to the pool where all the guys were and Rocky and Riker look at their girlfriend, Ellington stears at Rydel and the rest of the boy's look at me with their jaws on the floor I lean over to Rydel and whisper

"This is creepy!" She laughs and whisper back.

"Told you you looked hot!" She says in between giggls and I laugh and go to the pool with the boy's I had fun! It's been some time since I've had fun,  now it was time for me to go home.

"Bye guy's see you tomorrow at school!" I shouted through the house and everyone says their good bye's I get out the door and look around there's no-one around so I started running and got home in less than a minute.

To see Riker?!?!? What?!?! How did he?!?! Wait this isn't Riker. Riker uses contacts and his hair cut is a little shorter than this one.

"Who are you?!"I scream at the person or thing that look's like Riker.

"I'm Damen Love I'm Ryder's older brother I'm an original." What?!

"What do you mean 'original'?" I ask frustrated.

"I won't tell you!"

"I said tell me!" I scream at him pushing him to the wall with my mind ok see this is another one of my powers I can do what I want by only thinking of it no other vampire or anyone has it.

"What the?! How are you doing this Ryder never told us you could do this!"

"That's because I never did it in front of him or anyone that is still alive!" I said he tried to move but he couldn't.

"Ok well they are 5 of us there's me first then there's Mary, Luke, Ryder and Austin."

(Sorry about the last name but I really like the name Austin oh and they are the Lynch kids they are in order Damen is Riker, Mary is Rydel, Luke is Rocky, Ryder is Ross and Austin is Ryland. Sorry for the cliff hanger and the short chapter but I needed to do a update check at my books in my profile page hope you like my story so far!!!!! Bye!!!!)

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