"I'm good with dates ser"

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Love POV

Today I wake up like normal and do my usual routine get a bath, brush my teeth, and I desided to wash my hair I wrapped a towel around me and one in my hair I got out of the bathroom and look for my underwear and put it on and took the towel off of me.

I go to the mirror and look at myself and start crying at what I see in the mirror I really don't like myself and I stop looking at my reflection and sit down and just cover my self I put on a white tank top with a dark blue jacket some ripped skinny jeans with a belt, grey boots and desided to let my hair dry naturally.

I go down stairs and get myself some water. Ok here's the thing about us we can eat human food and drink but it won't do any good if we're hungry, if we're hungry we need blood and I'm really not that good around humans any more.

I have been desconected of their world for a while. I mean I know how to act around them and all of that but when I get hungry, I get hungry and I need to eat or more like drink blood to be able to stop that and I can't see blood. Because if I see blood I can't control myself.

I was down and decided to turn the radio on and as I do I hear a awesome song it seems like is a band and the lead singer sounds oddly familiar, then the radio guy said.

"And that was R5 with Crazy Stupid Love now to continue with our music." I took my phone and look for them when I look through the photos I see the lead singer he looks exactly like Ryder this can't be happining this can't be but it says that his name is Ross Lynch I look for all of his information, siblings and band.

I found were he is studying and look at the clock it says 6:03 am so I called the school and they said they needed a resume luckily I still have mine from my last school I was what people call a 'nerd' back then but I really just knew everything they were going to say because I already lived it so yeah.

I went to the school and they made me some questions and I answered they were easy so they accept me in the school I compel them to put me in all the classes Ross is in and to give me the locker that is next to him apparently no one was using it and I'm not lying about that I got out of the office to see all the girls at their lockers looking them selves in a mirror and putting a lot of make-up on and I mean a lot.

I see my locker and go to it I hear all the girls whisper things about me. Ok you see when you're a vampire you can hear things that not even an animal can hear so it was really giving me a headache.

I got to my locker to hear a lot of screaming girls I look for my headphones and my phone put them on because if I don't I will have more of a headache it doesn't hurt that much because well I'm a vampire and it heal's fast but I will get moody and no one wants that here because not even Ryder could stand me when I was like that and he was older than me.

When I see why the girls are screaming is because Ross was here  with his siblings and family best friend. In this school they are the 'popular guys' as you may say. I see the guys staring at me I smile at them and they come to me and say...

"Hey I'm Riker."

"I'm Ellington."


"Ryland." They say

I actually made my research before I came here so I kinda know who they are and what they do.

I smile at all of them and look at Ross he doesn't look that intrested because his making out with a girl.

I'm guessing is a chearlider because of her uniform. Well that hurt..

"Hey I'm Rydel exuse my brother's for what just happened." She said

Vampire Love (R5/Ross Lynch fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz