Chapter Three: Stick Figure made of Lead

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I crawled out of my bed and got changed into my pajamas. I opened my window and sat in the window. I shivered in the cold but I liked it. The cold helped me think.

"I just got called down! I might not be home until late tonight!" Jordan called while passing by my door.

"Kay!" I yelled back and continued to sit in my window. I backed away a little from the edge of the roof below me so Jordan didn't see me while getting in his car.

I watched him pull out of the driveway and drive away. I moved back to my original position and saw Liam's light turn on. I instead, payed attention to the sky, which was quite surprising.

"I don't think sitting on the edge of your roof is safe!" I looked over and saw Liam in his window. I looked down and saw that I was about to fall off. I pushed myself back up to my window.

"How badly did you hurt your ankle?" I asked while pulling myself up to sit in my window.

"Nothing serious, just a giant bruise." He said while looking down to his foot.

"How'd you not break it?" I laughed. "Even on the phone with Mason I heard the giant crack."

"Maybe the noise was just something in the crowd or just phone connection?" He offered and I laughed a bit more.

"Well, I'm glad you're okay. I'm going to head to bed. I'll see you at school."

"Yeah, see you then." He responded while I was entering my room and going out of range to change. I changed into my pajamas and turned my light off. I could barely see him on his roof while getting into my bed and I watched him watch me until I fell asleep.

I woke up and got changed immediately. I changed and ran downstairs. I found Jordan downstairs making some eggs. I joined him in the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar.

"If you hurry you can catch the bus." He said while putting the eggs onto a plate and moving to the table. I nodded and headed upstairs, grabbing my bag.

"Where's the bus stop?" I asked while running downstairs and to the door.

"The park across the street!" Jordan yelled as I grabbed my keys and my jacket.

"I'll ride the bus home if I don't miss it!" I yelled back while running out the door, putting my headphones in.

"I'm not watching another movie on a Friday night. Mason, there's got to be something going on." Garrett asked while getting off the bus. I had just gained two new friends from the bus, Violet and Garrett.

"You remember we're freshmen, right? We just got off a school bus. We're not exactly going to be hitting the clubs till four a.m." Mason responded.

"Okay. Movie at your place. Nine." Violet declared and walked away with Garrett.

"I'm going to head to class, which Jordan is asking me to do because he doesn't believe I did my math homework. See you later." I declared and walked the opposite direction.

I made my way down the hallway, looking for my locker that I had yet to find. I didn't want to go to math but I had too. Jordan would get pissed if I didn't

I found my locker but decided to leave it. The bell for everyone to head to class had ringed and I needed to get to class within a few minutes.

Reflection (Teen Wolf Fan Fiction) (OC x Liam)Where stories live. Discover now