Chapter 21

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Thanks Ripley10 for all your hard work. :)

Chapter 21

Jane sat back from the box and sighed. She liked this place. It was the nicest home she'd ever had and she was moving on, again. She'd never moved so much in such a short space of time and it was unsettling her. She was unhappy about it, but she knew that she wasn't going to be able to sway the Joker once he was set on something.

She could hear him in his room packing up his stuff and swearing loudly. It obviously wasn't going as well as he'd liked. Jane slid the last of her book collection into the box and closed the lid. In actuality, it hadn't taken her long to pack up. She still didn't have much in the way of things, and what she did have she'd easily packed in a couple of hours.

She still didn't know where she was going and she was a little worried that maybe he didn't know either. Sighing, she got up and went to stand in the open doorway of his room. He stood in the middle of the room staring down at his own pile of boxes, muttering to himself so quietly she couldn't make out what he was saying.

"So, this 'some place better,' where exactly is it?" she asked him quietly.

He shrugged his shoulders. He was wearing his patterned shirt, but no tie and no waistcoat, and his braces were connected to black jeans instead of his purple pinstripes. His sleeves were rolled up and his hair was its usual green-tinted mess.

"Do you actually know where it is or are you just not telling me?" She tried again, her voice a little sharp. His foot tapped on the floor and she knew he was in a foul mood, but she wasn't frightened of him.

"Of course I know," he spat and rounded on her. His head was down and his face was completely clean of paint as he stared at her, his hair falling over one eye.

"Do I get to know before I get there?" she asked him and leaned one hip against the doorframe and folded her arms.

"It's in Courtlands," he replied and tilted his head, his tongue probing his scars.

"Courtlands?" Jane frowned and racked her brains as to where that was. "Is that in Old Gotham?"

"Yeah, just on the edge," he replied quietly.

"So we're still in the Narrows," she added needlessly and he nodded at her.

"But we're not in Crime Alley anymore," he smirked at her.

"Ah, well, that's blown my idea then," she sighed.

"And your idea was?" He arched his eyebrow at her and sucked on his scars.

"A little place on the Mediterranean somewhere," she replied half-seriously. "A little Greek Island or failing that, a chalet in the Swiss Alps. If push came to shove, I could have slummed it in Venice, might even have gotten to know Casanova."

"You'd find that hard considering he's been dead two hundred years or so," he returned.

"Well, he must have quite a few descendants, considering how many wild oats he must have sown during his days."

"Well I'm sorry to burst your bubble, sugar, but the Mediterranean is definitely out, I burn in the sun." He ticked off on his fingers as he went. "Greek Island, ditto. Swiss Chalet in the Alps, you hate the cold, and I hate the snow, get enough of it here and, oh yeah, slumming it in Venice is definitely off as I'd be constantly making sure you didn't meet any modern day Casanovas and it's too far to commute back to here. Sorry, sugar, you'll have to make do with Old Gotham."

"Ah, well, a girl can't have everything I guess," she chuckled and shook her head.

"You finished packing up then?" he asked her and turned back around to open a cardboard box on the table.

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